When is DMP the right choice?
Avoiding insolvency
This paper explores some of the reasons why people may want to opt for a DMP rather than the insolvency routes of bankruptcy or an IVA...
Fluctuating business profits
This paper explores DMP as an option for those who are self-employed or Directors of companies who face cash flow problems due to erratic income...
Holding on to equity
This paper looks at the effect of insolvency in equity on any property, and the value of a DMP in not having to surrender such equity...
Increased interest charges
This paper argues that when interest rates increase on card debts, that a DMP may be necessary to cope with the increased repayment level or repayment period...
Maternity leave
This paper explores the financial implications of leaving employment temporarily or permanently, to start maternity leave, and argues that a DMP may be a necessary solution...
Minimum payments only
This paper examines why some people opt for a DMP due to very high interest rates in the debts they have incurred...
Mortgage arrears
This paper argues that clearing mortgage arrears is usually a higher priority than meeting all unsecured debt repayments and that a DMP may make good sense in such circumstances...
This paper considers options to those who have been made redundant and suggests that a DMP may be a short or long term solution...
Rejected IVA
This paper looks at options facing those whose IVA proposals have been rejected and examines the role of a DMP under such circumstances...
Self-employed and lack of paperwork
Some self-employed people are very organised with paperwork, but for those of us who aren't, the demands of formal insolvency may be too much...