So, here I am again. I sent multiple documents in 2022/2023 for annual review (December 2022, May 2023 & August 2023) and eventually got my 2023 review done later in October 2023. So going through it, they said I “owed money” as per previous year, even though I sent it documents when I went over said threshold. So basically:
Annual review December 2021: You owe £175. Told them I sent in the months wage slips as per agreement and never got a response. They offered: 1) pay set amount in full; 2) spread the cost over 6 months (a catch up plan they called it); 3) extend the IVA by 6 months. After having confirmation verbally and an email stating it being a “catch up plan”, I opted for option 2, pay the extra over 6 months.
After the 6 months I continued paying the extra money going forward for an additional 15 months incase they tried anything again. Behold in October, they done the annual review and originally said I owed them money. Explaining the cost of living, my rent increase and me continuing to pay more than the agreement, I asked them to calculate it again and they actually said I overpaid and to adjust my payment before starting the new agreed payment in November.
So annual review was 10 months late (October 2023) and they’ve requested another review in February (2024). As per all documents have been sent in on the 26th February 2024 and confirmation via email on the 4th March 2024 that they’ve received the documents. It will be 14 weeks tomorrow since I’ve sent them and 13 weeks tomorrow for their acknowledgment - still no update.
Annual Reports
So each year I receive my annual reports, never missed a payment, never had a payment break and never had a breach. So this year I noticed, again, the duration of my IVA on my report had been extended by 6 months. Now, as previously said, it happened in a past annual report. I’ve never had any notice about my IVA term being extended, ever.
Original: 72 months
Shown on annual reports:
2020: 72 months
2021: 72 months
2022: 78 months (no reason given and said it must be an error)
2023: 72 months
2024: 78 months (said it was due to the catch up plan in 2022 - but told them it was a catch up plan not an extension and have email confirming it’s a catch up plan and they’ll let me know tomorrow (Monday 3rd June 2024).
But why would they change the duration, change it back and then change it again without any acknowledgement to why? I thought any extension had to be agreed by all parties, especially if I had any breaches?
I’ve asked for my IP’s contact details as his old details aren’t correct, emails keep bouncing. But anyone dealt with anything similar?
Duration extended without any communication.
EbeneGate not carrying out the reviews in supposed set time frame.
Using P60’s alone, I’ve never exceeded my threshold, hence me sending monthly wage slips when I have, as per agreement.
Thanks for any reply and sorry for another longwinded post! I should be 64/72 payments now, not worrying about the administration of my IVA!