I wondered if someone could answer a question for me relating to an old debt? My friend had a store card I think in 2003, she moved house about 6 months after her messy divorce and forgot about it. I don't know how much it was for or who its with, I do know its in her name and she is terrified of the nasty letters she is getting. She has confided how scared she is to me and that the letters say she will lose her possessions if she dose not pay. She cant pay because she has 3 children including a severely disabled son. Is there a limit on how long a creditor can pursue a debtor or is there a limited time a debt stands?
I have tried to reassure her that these carefully chosen scary words are a tactic but she is having none of it and is petrified. I am hoping that they are out of date, otherwise its skeletons out of the cupboard time.
If there has been no attempt to collect the debt and your friend has not acknowledged the debt, it cannot be pursued after six years. The debt is still effectively owed but the creditor cannot actually take action to recover.
If she has made any payments in the intervening period or acknowledged the debt the six year starts again at this point.
I know that her ex was paying it in 2003. She told me she had forgotten about it and that they had 'found her' after all this time. I shall give her the good news when I speak with her later.
Yes, I am sure she will not believe me. I have printed the answer off for her, its a shame when creditors frighten people like that. I know she owes the money and bless her, she is the type to pay. Life has been so full of changes for her and this, the very last nail.
I am very well thanks, things are great with us. Coley, the children, the house etc. I do hope you Dave and Harry are well and happy also.
Oh Harry, we have lots of frogs here with there being a ditch on either side of the lane. Ruby brought one in once, it looked dead so I picked it up with a plastic bag. It promptly came to life and jumped into the dish washer, I was able to free it though. Ruby's murder victims do not include frogs, as yet.
I hope my friend moves on also, when I phoned her Mum was there so I have emailed it. She will take some convincing but its in black and white. One little malignant creditor letter is nothing to us but its left her not needy of a laxative.
I was a bit nervous coming here and asking but the 'legal speak' answer I got from google didnt mean anything to me, something about statued barred.
Thanks for answering my question so promptly Michael.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
I think the ditches are for drainage and the frogs take advantage.
I realise how good it feels to be free of debt letters and worry. I hope that you are all getting on okay. I often think about you all, especially Skippy, priceless support in my early days here. Your IPA payments must be up now, eh? I know that Helen is free.
life in debt is very scary and hard but after debt its simply the best.
I remember Skippy, we were both stuck in the clouds of doom and didn't know where to turn, scared to death but we had each other. What a long way we have both come now and it really hasn't been that long, just a few short years.
I do hope you are keeping well and that the boys and daughter are doing well. Mine are turning out lovely and growing up. Summer holidays are a bit bliss without having to watch the clock.
Time so flies when you're reading on here! I have to water the grass and put my sheets on. I always do that, pull the sheets off first thing, clean the room and forget I have to put clean ones on, I hate that job. I am watching football at 7.30 better get some skates on.
The kids are great. Little one is obsessing over pokemon at the minute and driving us mad LOL. Could be worse though. At least he's not one of them kids whos mum never knows where they are. He much prefers being in the house.
Im glad you are all doing ok. Dont be a stranger xxx