I first got with ClearDebt in 2008 when they were called Abaccus or something, they have changed name at least twice since and I have lost track of how many 'advisers I have been passed through in that time. They had me on an unofficial debt plan and I paid them £100 a month that they were to split amongst my Creditors. After some time of noticing that my dues were hardly going down, I looked closely at the 'statements that Abaccus / Cleardebt sent me once in a while and realised that out of my £100 a month, they were keeping £29 back for so called 'Admin Fees' whether or not I have any contact with them through that month. I contacted them and did let them know of my discontent at finding that in the space of 3 or so years of paying them £100 a month or a total I thought to be £3600 towards my debts, they had kept for themselves £1044. So to 'shut me up@ and stop me questioning their 'Admin Fees, in 2012, they started the official IVA procedure for me and it was accepted by June. Not long after that, they contacted me about recovering PPI and I signed the Letter of Authority for them to proceed. After quite a few months I was notified that some PPI have been recovered and after paying whatever fees etc... the remaining allocated amount of £300 odd had been paid into my IVA.
Now, forward to this year and for the past couple of months or more, I have been hounded down on my mobile phone by a company called DRSP, who are based 1 floor below Clear Debt's own offices, and to whom, without my consent, Clear Debt have passed my details for them to chase me about PPI recovery. They ring me, they text me, they leave me voicemails even on Sundays! I once answered the phone to them and spoke to some guys who speaks in broken English and told him ClearDebt had already handled my PPI claims. He said he had been instructed by ClearDebt to contact me about it because they had found 1 credit Card with Santander that had PPI on it. I never had a Credit Card with Santander!! he would not take my word for it.
I told him to get the guy from Cleardebt to contact me directly or I would break the IVA off myself because I was so sick of their dodgy and poor service. ClearDebt did not contact me, but calls and messages from DRSP carried on so much so I have now switched my mobile off. I have now been sent more letters of Authority to be returned to DRSP on behalf of ClearDebt, and guess what, nothing relating to Santander / Credit Card is listed, just the 3 creditors that have been done already, so another lie it seems!
I am in 2 minds about returning these to either companies. To me ClearDebt have shown themselves from the start to be 'dodgy' and I can only pray that my IVA with them is actually legit, and hoping it is, I can't wait to see the end of it, in another 2.5 years. I have long stopped trusting them, and the fact that they have passed my contact details to another company, related to them or not, to hound me down daily is, to me, unacceptable.
I would not, ever, recommend them to anyone.
Sorry for the long post!
Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.