Bit of good news (isn't it??)

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Post by Wizzzard » Tue May 04, 2010 12:34 pm
Well I've just had a visit from the OT services (or whatever their name is these days) and they have informed me I need a stair lift and a wet room and shower. My ability to pay for this will be means tested but she reckons I will have nothing to pay. She has also left me a bunch of forms because in her opinion I am not claiming all the benefits due to me. As she says even if it's only an extra tenner a week it's better in my pocket than Mr Darlings'. On the down side my legs have now started to ulcerate and I have to have regular visits from the District Nurse (or whatever they are called these days. It seems I get hit with summat new every day and it can be really mentally debilitating. On the upside I've been that miserable this week Mrs Wizz is , even as we speak, making me one of her world famous bacon and egg pies in an effort to put a smile on me physog again. If owt can cheer me up one of those can. Problem is ... she never makes one big enough; I mean a 12" pie what's a growing lad to do [:D]

Anyhoo ... enough whinging and moaning ... speak later ... and remember treat each day as if it's your last; one day you'll be right. xxx
The best psychological health comes from admitting your faults and recognizing they're caused by someone else.
Wizzzard xxx


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Post by kallis3 » Tue May 04, 2010 12:41 pm
Good news about the fact that you can get all this extra stuff and it's not going to cost you

Sorry to hear about your legs though. My parents both have bad legs and have to have them dressed several times a week.

I hope they improve soon.

Enjoy your pie.[:)]
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Post by Shining » Tue May 04, 2010 5:44 pm
Ray that is excellent news, my hubby fits all those within his role at work but probably a little too far for him to travel. Wet rooms are a speciality of their firm.

Enjoy your pie and I hope it all works out for you xx
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Post by Julie » Tue May 04, 2010 8:07 pm
Sorry to hear about your legs Ray [:(]

It seems you have helpful people looking after you and at least you should get what you need and deserve to make life easier ( for you and Mrs Wizz)! If you find the forms a struggle, a benefit advisor can come to your home to help you.

The pie sounds lovely and I wonder if I'm miserable will Mrs Wizz make one for me [:D]

Take care xx


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Post by Skippy » Tue May 04, 2010 8:28 pm
Sorry about your legs Ray, but I'm glad it looks as though you are going to get the wet room etc to make your life easier.

I hope you enjoyed the pie!
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