lisa most of your creditors will threaten you with court and most of them will not take that action, these are threats as they know that they will make you scared, i never paid BH for 5 months and had all the threats under the sun even to charging orders on to my house, the thing is it costs them to take you to court and it doesn't happen over night they have to go through a process and it can take months before their case is presented to the judge, one thing if you are already making token payments and can;t afford more and the judge sees this he will throw it out of court for waste of time and may even tell you to pay less so don't fret on that score, all you can do now is sit back and await your creditors meeting and see what the outcome of that is, what is the worst that the creditors can do to you? nothing a ccj? you won't go to prison and you won't be flogged throught the streets, try and stay calm and let your IP deal with it that is what you are paying them to do, easier said than done, don't fall for any of their scare tactics and tell them to deal directly with your IP.
good luck i hope it goes through for you, anytime you need advice or a rant or just to see if any of us on here have had the same experience fire away thats what we are here for.
one other piece of advice i received in regards to BH and lloyds they very rarely ever take court action. and they certainly didn't with me in the last 8 months.
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