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I'm fast approaching the end of year 4 of my IVA. However, after over 3 years silence I've suddenly received (at work) 4 calls from debt collection agencies. I recognised their patter straight away and told them that the person that they were requesting was not known at the company and would they kindly remove the number from their database.
I'm simply intrigued as to why-on-earth the calls have started again? Rang DFD, no problems there: checked the insolvency register - still on it [:I] Obviously, to find out wht's going on I would have to confirm my identity to these callers. However, there is no way I'm going to do this as the telephone bombardment would begin ( I know these chancers of old!!).
Has anybody else ever received calls this far down the line in an IVA?
David [:)]
P.S. ALL my debts, from the teeniest to the biggest, were fully identified, verified and included in my IVA.
Last edited by
tigger on Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Hi there, I'm 31 months (almost) into my IVA and no such calls as yet. Hope you're ok? x
IVA final payment left the bank on the 26th January 2013...looking forward to a debt free future.
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Hi Lesley,
Thanks for the concern. I'm not particularly bothered by the calls as I cand fend them off without batting an eyelid. I'm simply intrigued to as to why they have started up again!
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Oh sorry, my punctuation and grammar must improve, it was meant to be a separate sentence as in. Hope you're ok (in general). lol x
I can understnad that you're intrigued as to why they've reared their heads again as I would be but do think I would be able to cope with it again. x
IVA final payment left the bank on the 26th January 2013...looking forward to a debt free future.
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[:D] Thanks Lesley!
I'm fine and dandy [:)]
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Hi Tigger,
Im in 26 months now n no contact - but I have moved house n changed my phone number which IVA company are aware.
What a blooming pain for that to start again!
Just a thought that popped in my mind - all debts & creditors have been included so, have any not put a claim in your IVA n maybe they forgot? Daft idea - but Ive still got on creditor not put in a claim on my 2 annual reviews.
Glad your well - congratulations on getting this far!
Final IVA payment made in April 2013, never ever thought we could do it or get through it but we did! X
An Mentor is someone sharing from their experiences of dealing with debt
Lyns x
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Hi MrsKnight,
Yep, wracked my brains over this one. All I can think of is that someone has sold on one (or more?)of the debts included in the IVA????
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No worries - it was wracking my brain too!
Any debt sold on, I would of thought happened in the early stages of the IVA. My Barclays debt was sold on even before the creditors meeting - which was a bit scary! But they sent me a letter n told me not to worry n hey would deal with my IP.
The people whom bought the debt (forgotten name)
have always appeared on my annual reviews.
I know some of those dodgy "you have been miss sold an IVA companies" sound abit dodgy on the phone - maybe one of them?
Final IVA payment made in April 2013, never ever thought we could do it or get through it but we did! X
An Mentor is someone sharing from their experiences of dealing with debt
Lyns x
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I managed to get the company name out of a couple of them - googled them & up came "debt recovery specialists"

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and thinking back...
Max Recovery hoovered up most of the smaller debts
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Ok - just another thought n yes Max Recovery hoovered up my barclays - but that was quite a big one!
Maybe one of the experts on here could help x
Final IVA payment made in April 2013, never ever thought we could do it or get through it but we did! X
An Mentor is someone sharing from their experiences of dealing with debt
Lyns x
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Can you find out the number that called you??
Discharged today the 8th feb 2012. View is much brighter now.
Continuing to rebuild our credit worthiness.
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plasticdaft wrote:
Can you find out the number that called you??
Numbers are normally witheld. I've since done furher research into one of the callers and discovered the name
Red House Debt - which now leads me to believe I'm beeing tragetted by debt management companies rather than debt recovery companies. It was their opening call-centre spiel that set the alarm bells ringing. I'm still left wondering how on earth they got hold of my work's phone number?
Last edited by
tigger on Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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,,,and it also shows how paranoid one can become in an IVA!! I've been trawling through over 4 years of paperwork making sure that nothing at all had been missed e,g. insurance/utility payments etc.