I’ve started an IVA application with CreditFix and have the paperwork to sign but wanted to get more advice on them as a company. They seem fine so far - other than their pushy automated texts and emails reminding me to sign ASAP.
Does anyone have any experience with them or could recommend someone else?
If I were to cancel my application with them I don’t know if I’d be able to qualify with someone else so don’t want to risk losing the opportunity. Also, if I do decide to go with someone else, do I need to tell them I’ve applied with CreditFix and will that affect a new application?
Hi - its never a bad idea to talk to more than one iva company in order to compare companies and their advice. Its a big decision and one that you should not be rushed into without some thorough research. There is absolutely no problem with chatting with someone else despite having a proposal ready to sign from CreditFix. You are free to go with whoever you choose and no problem letting any company know that you are talking to others.
Hopefully others here on the Forum can share thoughts on CreditFix as a company.
First -- it is not up to the IVA provider to ascertain whether you "qualify" or not. This is dependant on the regulations and, ultimately whether your creditors agree to the proposal.
I would suggest that you have a read around the forum for opinions and experiences of CreditFix. For my tastes they are too big, too impersonal and too self important. But, they handle thousands of IVAs and do have many 'happy' customers. As long as your IVA is straightforward and you have no problems or need any intervention they can do a good job.
If you go elsewhere there is no harm in letting them know you have tried with another company, it should have no effect, but you are not obliged to tell them.
My opinions are merely that .. opinions based on experience. Always seek professional advice.
IVA Completed 23rd July 2013 .... C.C. 10th January 2014
There are mixed reviews about CF on here - some really praise them and others dislike them.
As Keith says, speak to a couple more companies before making a decision and do read your paperwork carefully to make sure you understand everything.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
My IVA was sold on to Credifix. I would not choose them as their communication is poor... I was lucky I had loads of help on here and a clear agreement set up by my fantastic original IP. I was able to successfully argue any disagreements with their customer service team. I think they were happy to just get rid of anyone who were transferred over to them asap really. I was lucky to get an actual caseworker who did actually seem to understand my slightly different IVA set up. I would suggest talking to a smaller firm as they are more approachable and you can actually talk to them. Don’t let them bully you into making a decision you have to be confident in your choice as it is a 5/6 year relationship .
McCambridge Duffy or Lisa ( who posts on here) would be my suggestion to talk to . Good luck