If you do the bank will normally reduce their claim by the amount of the PPI or the money will go into the IVA pot as a windfall. You can certainly go for the reclaim but do not instruct a claims company as you could end up with a bill to them.
I have been wondering about this. My IVA is due to end in Dec 2010 so would I be able to claim back the ppi on a loan that was included in my IVA once my IVA has finished if that makes sense?
Thanks in advance
This is actually a subject I considered and dismissed.
I owed 50K, paying back 25K over 5 years in the IVA with all interest written off.
After completing my IVA do I really want to argue with those same creditors about a refund when they wrote off 50% of the debt.
Technically you could argue that the money on mis-sold PPI should be refunded but morally I think it best to leave it in the past when you are in possesion of a certificate of completion and can move forward in your life debt free.
Last edited by herbekj on Thu May 13, 2010 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Last Payment - November 2011 - Completion Certificate received 2 weeks after last payment, Removed from Insolvency Register within 4 weeks after last payment.