I am thinking of applying for an IVA I've been in touch with a company called Bridgewood financial solutions LTD, if any one can advise on this company I would be most grateful, I tried to google reviews for the company but had no luck. Please if you know of them or have used them please tell me if they are good or not?.
I was wondering though my husband is self employed and is a limited company, his credit rating is not as bad as mine, but would my IVA affect him or his company rating in any way? as we are financially linked via our mortgage, and I am his company secretary.
Also if he chose to do an IVA how would this affect him and his company?
Also I'm self employed, and I am a cash business (hairdresser) would this effect me? would I still able to live exactly how I do now? only I would not be able to get credit any more for the next 5 years basically?
I also need a new bank account but have no clue where to go suggestions on this would great.
I am very worried about doing this IVA I am not in desperate need to do it, as I am just about making the payments each month, but I have to put every penny away to do it, and I have ten years of that to face, I am in two minds about doing an IVA or just struggling on? any advice on this situation would also be grateful.
Thanks for reading