Haven't been on for about a week, but hope everyone is ok.
My husband had a letter from Barclaycard stating that unless he paid the full amount outstanding to his credit card they would either send a debt collecting agency to the door, or demand the full amount from his employer. I am not really concerned about someone knocking at the door as advice that I have read on here before is, it's all standard letters. But the thing conerning me more is can they really go to the employer and ask for the money??.
I checked with one of the IP secretary's yesterday and she told me that it was just a standard letter. Do you agree with this.
Our creditors meeting is on Friday, hurrahh!!!, and I do know that one of our majors creditors have voted yes for the IVA, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that it all goes through, and that we still keep the car. I did'nt ask if the creditor had made any modifications, should I or should I wait??.
Sam x
F&F accepted 12/8/13 - Awaiting Completion Certificate
Thanks to everyone for your support. Could'nt have done it without you.
Ignore the letter as an employer cannot be contacted unless as part of an atttachment of earnings. Good luck for Friday and hopefully that will be the end of it.
Good luck for Friday from myself too. I had a nightmare with Barclaycard when my IVA was going through, luckily nobody called on my house and all went through ok. Let us know how Friday goes won't you? x
IVA final payment left the bank on the 26th January 2013...looking forward to a debt free future.
Thanks very much for you advice, I must admit I was very worried out it, as we don't want our employers, or anyone, apart from my parents, to find out.
Thanks for the reassuring words.
Sam x
F&F accepted 12/8/13 - Awaiting Completion Certificate
Thanks to everyone for your support. Could'nt have done it without you.
Good luck for Friday Hammie and rest assured that your employer won't be told.
Don't these creditors try some underhand tactics!
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk