Need advice please. I'm in an iva contract and was refunded a butlins holiday. I used the bank card that is involved in the contract and the cash was refunded back 2 the bank card. They are keeping all of the refund. I'm sure they can't do this.???
Who has kept the money? Your bank or the IVA company?
If it's your IVA company, they're potentially treating the funds as a windfall due to the IVA.
If it's your bank, they're potentially exercising their right to offset, or potentially holding the funds until they hear from your IVA company whether they can release it to you.
In any case, speak to your IVA company for clarification/assistance.
Hi! I used to work for one of the UK's biggest Insolvency Practitioners - I don't work for an IP anymore but still have an extensive knowledge of the IVA industry. How can I help?
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.