can you be chased for debt once iva has ended

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Post by hatemydebts » Sun May 02, 2010 9:38 pm
sorr for all the questions, I have so many bouncing around in my head.
Basically, Ive heard you can still be chased for the remainder of the original debts once the IVA has finished, is this true.
The IVA is in my husbands name and all the debts on the IVA are in his name only even though I had a credit card for two of the accounts.
I have gone over his IVA proposal and noticed 4.4 Nothing in these conditions affects the follwing rights in any way: The right of any creditor to bring or continue legal proceddings against you and to obtain a judgement against you for the full amount of their debt for the sole purpose of making a claim against your insurer under the Third Party Act 1930.

Therefore im so confused, ive been on the pc since 9am googling all sorts and have terrified myself.

Can anyone help please, thanks so much


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Post by Shining » Sun May 02, 2010 9:40 pm
Hi as far as I'm aware if the debt was included within the IVA and the IVA concludes successfully any outstanding debt will be written off.

Wait around for professional clarification though but please try not to worry x
IVA final payment left the bank on the 26th January 2013...looking forward to a debt free future.


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Post by Lisa2009 » Sun May 02, 2010 9:48 pm
I agree with Lesley. An IVA is legally binding and if concluded succesfully, no creditor that was included should be able to chase you for any money. 'Our Story'

Nil carborundum illegitimi

Adam Davies

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Post by Adam Davies » Sun May 02, 2010 10:02 pm
The balance of his debts are written off and can't be chased for once the IVA is concluded. Also no creditor bound by the IVA can take legal action against him once the IVA is agreed.
Andam Davies


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Post by MelanieGiles » Mon May 03, 2010 11:02 am
The only debts that you could be pursued for are shortfalls on secured creditors who chose to rely on their security rather than receiving a dividend in the IVA.
Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner
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