Hello all,
Thought I would update.
Nervously I contacted my contact at Mel/Sue's team regarding paying for my car, and must say the man was very polite.
He checked my account and asked how much I needed, I said approx £400. He explained if I need more to use what I needed and send the rest to them when sorted. I thne explained my payment was due Thursday, so we agreed to initially miss the whole payment and then return any unused money.
So far I have spend £216 on parts and waiting for my mechanic friend to fit, hopefully tomorrow.
The experience was good, though still panicing abotu paying back the rest, and my review paperwork has just come through.
So nearly a year up
Thanks for the advice,
To err is human. To teach 16-21 year olds is just damn crazy!!!
IVA Started October 2009.
33 months down - 27 to go