Hi there, I am thinking about putting in an enquiry to Melanie Giles re IVA. At this stage, we are very much enquiring as to our options.Credit rating is still intact at present. I just wanted to make sure before I do that, that the IPs don't inform creditors that there is any problem until we are ready and have made the decision to proceed. I was going to fill in enquiry form on her website but it asks for address and other details and it made me a bit nervous...as if IVA isn't suitable then the last thing I need is our creditors on our back. I am fairly confident that it would all be confidential but just wanted to check for certain.Thanks in advance.
Last edited by Nicola.sa on Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You have no worries - everything is confidential on this site and with all IP companies.
Mel will not supply any details to your creditors until you are ready to proceed.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
Hi Nicola as Jan says everything is confidential until you instruct an IP and only then will they contact your creditors with your permission of course. All the best.
IVA final payment left the bank on the 26th January 2013...looking forward to a debt free future.
Hi Nicola - we cannot contact your creditors without your authorisation via an Authority to Act form so please dson't worry about that. This will only be given to you to sign once we have had chance to talk everything through and once, if an IVA is viable, Melanie has allocated one of her Case Managers to you.
Always best to check these things first though!
I will keep my eyes out for your form if you decide to send us one and will give you a call - hopefully the other posters on here who've dealt with me can vouch I'm not scary and can be trusted!!!
Regards, Tina Shortland, Debt Advisory Manager for Melanie Giles at Debt Advice TV.
If you’re looking for effective debt related information, articles and news, then go now to our on-line advice service at www.debtadvicetv.com
If you’re ready to ask us for specific advice or help, then get in touch at www.call-me.debtadvicetv.com so you can start to free yourself from the stress and anxiety of overwhelming debt.
We can all sympathise with you Nicola as we've all been there.
You have picked an excellent company who come highly recommended on here.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
We are all here for you. There is a very big virtual shoulder for you to lean on.
Mel has an excellent reputation on here, I have met her and she is lovely.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
You have nothing to fear. Im with Melanie and team and I have just received my 'Authority to Act form' I am currently trying to get all the relevant paperwork together to send back. Until my husband and I have signed the form and returned, Melanie can't let any of my creditors know.....even though im now doing a pretty good job of that by myself - so far so good, but im awaiting the fireworks [:D]
Confidentiality will always be applied by IVA companies regardless of who they are.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
Although this is my first post, I just thought I had to reply to you. Our situations are almost identical! We too owe £115 k, and earn a similar amount. We also have two young children. I have been researching all the options, and have found this forum really useful and helpful. I decided to pluck up the courage and filled out the enquiry form on Melanie Giles' website last Thursday. The very next day I had a call from Tina who was so helpful and friendly. She did not judge me, and really put me at ease. I have to say i burst into tears when I got off the phone, not because Tina upset me! But the sheer relief and realisation that hopefully there will be an end in sight. I've made all my minimum payments so far, but this will be the first month that I can't, but I feel ready to deal with it now that i've started the process and spoken to someone.
All I would say is be honest about what you need to spend to survive each month, and think of everything!
Good luck
Welcome along Lou74. You will find this place more than useful as a place of knowledge,a shoulder to cry on,occasionally even a funny place to be.
Well done for plucking up the courage to deal with your debt,and remember for everyone that takes action about their debts,at least 10 are sitting at home with their heads firmly in the sand!!
Discharged today the 8th feb 2012. View is much brighter now.
Continuing to rebuild our credit worthiness.
Nicola well done on taking the first step. I am sure once you have spoken to someone from Melanies team you will feel so much better. It is scary stepping into the unknown but you are doing some thing positive re your finacial situation. I remember feeling the same not sleeping. feeling sick, afraid of the future. I have now finished paying my IVA the five years flew by yes they were hard at times but life was so much better, now everything we have is ours, and things that seemed so important pre IVA really don't matter anymore.
Take care and Good luck
Nothing you can buy feels as good as not being in debt.