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Post by Skippy » Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:11 pm
Don't stop child benefit at 13, just don't give it after a certain amount of children - the planet is overcrowded enough as it is without rewarding people for breeding!


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Post by kallis3 » Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:15 pm
I appreciate that Andy but the forum does have rules. People will know what you have said, but it does have to be censored.
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Post by Andy1964 » Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:07 pm
Very Mary Whitehouse me thinks [:D]
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Post by » Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:27 pm
I'm new to the forum but not new to the situation of having to give up work due to having a disabled child. I had always thought that people on benefits had it easy. I worked two jobs when I bought my first home. Didn't expect to have a premature baby four years later with disabilities. The benefits system is not made for people who have always worked. They didnt want to help with the mortgage (even though I had gone down from 50 hours a week to 16). They suggested I get repossessed and move into rented and then I could have local authority pay housing benefit. My daughter is 14 now and my views are mixed. I have always put everything into trying to make my daughter's life the best it could be. I stayed in my own home as I wanted her to have the stability of our own place. She is partially sighted, has cerebral palsy and autism. I know of a woman whose child goes to the same school. She calls him her 'cash cow' because of his DLA entitlement. She has never paid a penny in rent and sends him for respite at every opportunity. I have learned how to manipulate my daughter's legs from her physio and she can now walk, after experts saying she probably never would. Now, because there is improvement they have dropped her mobility rate (even though because of her autism she will sit in the road with no knowledge of the danger), where is the incentive to want better. I hate being in the system but have no choice. I cannot work as I take her to school (she got violent on the bus). This takes three hours each day. For what it is worth I think child allowance should be means tested.
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Post by Skippy » Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:02 pm
I agree with what you say about the system Deb. It's different circumstances but my Dad had MS and my Mum was his carer. Nothing was made easy for them and they weren't the sort of people to ask for help. Every time my mum was given a new benefit money was taken from my dad, and when he died she had to do an equity release so she could stay in her home. There was no help for her despite giving up her life to care for my dad.

Sorry, as you can tell I feel strongly about this.

On the subject of censorship, yes we are adults , but swearing on the forum isn't appropriate. If that makes me a Mary Whitehouse then so be it!

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Post by » Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:15 pm
Hi Skippy,
I agree with you, I think some people know how to 'work' the system and others like your parents and myself find themselves thrown into it. I feel strongly that the people who should get the help don't while lazy devils who know what to do get more money than they need. I'm really sorry that your mum had to do an equity release. Not fair.

Not sure what Andy said but I know my daughter would repeat it a she has tourettes. On a serious note, though, I agree tat there is no need for swearing on here
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Post by Adam Davies » Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:01 am
Jan is right to censor
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Post by Wizzzard » Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:10 am
Hi peeps
Just thought I would stick im my two penneth ... I've been on benefits for over 6 years now and my standard of living is extremely low. My daughter bought my car ... I built my PC from 'rescued' bits of kit ... my telly is 15 years old. I can't remember when I last bought a suit ... Mrs Wizz comes first. At this time of year people look at me and ask why I don't get a job, I look quite fit as long as I don't move. They forget the 6 months a year I spend in a wheelchair. As for benefits ... Mrs Wizz works only 3 days a week as she needs to help me; our total income is approx £700 PM. Luckily I don't have rent or council tax ... that would kill me. So those of us who are on BENEFITS aren't all scroungers , some of us can't help it.
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Post by animaleyes76 » Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:24 am
Hey Wizz,

I don't think people were saying all people are.

People like you are why the benefits system should exist. Those that need help etc.

It's just the people that take the p**s end up making it harder for those that genuinely need help.

**Sorry, I've had to edit your post**

I really hop ethey do sometihng about it.. It's a joke that the benefits budget is bigger than the defence budget...
Last edited by animaleyes76 on Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post by Skippy » Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:54 pm
Helen is right Wizz, the benefits system should help those who need it, like you, my parent's, Deb and her daughter etc. The sad thing is that those who need help still seem to struggle, while those who choose to live on benefits seem to rake in the money.

Stop paying scroungers and give more to people who need it.


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Post by kallis3 » Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:17 pm
Well put both of you. We would never knock people who need benefits. It's the ones who sit back with their hands out for as much as they can scrounge whilst being perfectly able to work who are the problem.
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Post by lukeofyorkshire » Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:43 pm
I agree with alot of what has been said in this post.

Child Benefit is vital but those who abuse it by never working and popping out loads of kids should be warned and told benefits for extra kids will not be given.

As for cuts more well off families should definetly not get it. My Aunt and Uncle had 3 kids and had 3 businesses and were VERY well off, they claimed the money and gave it to the kids as pocket money.

Personally I'd rather it was cut for any families on over something like £50k household income and the extra money given those actually in need and where someone in the house goes out to work (As long as it's not a single parent family of course then they still get the extra).
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Post by carole2662 » Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:01 pm
We live in a tied cottage,very nice I can here you all say but the reality is that my husband is on a very low wage and the cottage is very basic with no central heating only a very old and well worn rayburn and an open fire in the sittingroom. When we tried to get help we were told that the cottage was worth arounf £150 a week so not to grumble and just get on with life.I work as a cleaner for some very well off people who all claim the family allowance and one family who are multi millionairs even manage to claim child tax credit.The system is all wrong and I believe favers the middle classes. Viva La Revalution.


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Post by kallis3 » Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:10 pm
I think that child benefit should be means tested, as should the heating allowance for pensioners. There are a lot of extremely wealthy OAPs in this country, who can well afford their heating bills without help. There are also a lot who can't, and they are the people who need help.
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Post by lukeofyorkshire » Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:13 pm
I think this forum should be put in charge of Benefit reform, we'd soon sort it out so it was a fair system lol. [:D]
1st payment Oct 2008, last payment Dec 2013. Certificate received March 2015 due to PPI claim.
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