I am currently 3 years into an IVA and have always paid by Direct Debit, I have recently been sent a form to fill in to pay by Standing Order, could someone advise which is the best way to make my monthly payments as I am happy paying by Direct Debit but don't understand the differences
(Damn flood control)
15. What is the difference between a standing order and a direct debit?
A standing order is an instruction you give to your bank to pay a fixed amount to someone else on a regular basis. You can set up, amend and cancel standing orders through Intelligent Finance.
A direct debit gives someone else, usually a company, permission to take funds from your account in agreed amounts and at agreed intervals.
The mandate itself may not specify the amounts nor the agreed intervals. However, you are protected under the Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme which ensures that any amounts debited in error are refunded immediately.
If Football was meant to have been played in the air then God would have put Grass in the Sky
Even when she's on holiday Melanie still comes up trumps! Thanks Mel - now go relax, it will be Monday before you know it!
Regards, Tina Shortland, Debt Advisory Manager for Melanie Giles at Debt Advice TV.
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I think Rachel is referring to her IVA payment, and if that's the case then she definitely won't get a discount!
I pay mine by standing order.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
I paid my IPA by standing order and I'm pleased that I did as there was a disagreement about payments at the end. As it was a standing order I could just cancel it and not worry about it being reinstated.