Created this account as like many have had the RCP text from Ebenegate, had more correspondence with them in the last week than Vanguard in 18 months, just how I liked it!
Been in email correspondence with what seems like a generic automated robot response computer over at Ebenegate, I sent an email requesting to pay by standing order as initially agreed and signed upon at the start of my IVA and then another asking for their account details, the third email is the one I’m waiting for a reply from, hopefully I’ll get more than a generic response this time.
Good Morning,
The contract I signed at the start of my IVA which stated how I would pay throughout the duration is legally binding, there has been no other agreement and I have signed nothing else, the money taken from recurring card payments has an account that it is deposited into, all accounts have an account number and sort code, so why can these details not be provided so that I can set up a standing order like I agreed upon at the start of my IVA, the ‘we only accept payment by recurring card payment’ does not wash I’m afraid. I will continue making payments via standing order to the account I am now until you provide a new account number and sort code.
Kind Regards,
Great email Adam! Keep us posted with the reply, I can imagine it'll just be a generic one asking for you to call them to discuss
Wed Mar 10, 2021 6:32 pmAd999 wrote:
Thank you, it’s hard to maintain composure when it’s clear to see what they’re trying to pull, will keep you all updated
I'm in the same boat as you, just waiting a couple more days I think to see how it plays out!
I'm in the same boat as you, just waiting a couple more days I think to see how it plays out!
I think with the amount of complaints and reluctance of people to change payment methods when they’re under no obligation to they’ll have no choice but to change their bullying approach of basically forcing people into a payment method that is terrible at best.
I have had an email back, ‘I am unable to provide you with standing order details, please call us to discuss further’ I won’t be contacting them as I have nothing to discuss, I have made myself very clear. Bunch of cowboys.
Just stand your ground - they obviously will have a bank account which can accept both DD and SO.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
Did anyone hear back I sent a email asking for the new bank details so I can pay by standing order the reply was thank you for you email we are unable to give standing order details please call then the number will I fail my uva if I don’t change to rcp payment I’ve tried ringing can’t get through and have explained this what next
If your IVA states you pay by either DD or SO they cannot change it and I doubt they will try to fail you.
Make a complaint - if enough of you do it it may stop them in their tracks.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
Please accept my apologies that you have not had the best experience when speaking to some members of my team. You can continue to pay by your original method, however in our experience most of our customers have preferred the flexibility of the recurring card process. You can stop payments, change dates and amounts easily and there are no charges for set up, administration or failed payment attempts.
For the avoidance of doubt we cannot take payments that you have not authorised.
Please feel free to contact me directly at or on 0141 218 4816 or alternatively free phone number 0800 019 83 83 and I can review your individual circumstances.
Now, maybe, they can also look at the number of payment increases talked about recently that seem to bear little relation to the figures tendered by the customer.
My opinions are merely that .. opinions based on experience. Always seek professional advice.
IVA Completed 23rd July 2013 .... C.C. 10th January 2014
If you want to get in touch with Peter Jackson. You have to address your email to him via Ebenegate customer services. It will then be forwarded on to him.