Hi I’m new to the forum but have been in my Iva now for 3 of 5 years and would like some advice
I’m currently paying £196 per month which went up from £150 per month a year ago I’ve recently had my review meeting and payments have stayed the same at £196 and I have 23 months left 22 after next week based on that I have around £4500 left in monthly payments that will be made if it goes the full term
I spoke to credit fix today with regards to making a full and final settlement as over the last year my company has made over 60 people redundant and we have been told there are more to come as the business is at a loss of around 30 million and so far I have been lucky to have kept my job but I feel it’s only a matter of time and due to this I don’t want the Iva to fail if I lose my job and instead would rather try to get it behind me
They said they can’t advise me on an amount but to offer a figure close to what I would have paid at the end
I want to put an offer together of £4650 I have no home that I own and there is nothing in the original paper work to suggest a 6th year
My partner has offered to pay this amount on my behalf
Do you think this is a good offer and there’s a chance they would accept it
The only thing that worries me is the original debts amount to nearly £30k but I have never missed any payments or had and breaks in the Iva
Thank you in advance this seems to be more worrying than the original setup