Hi. As Orange 78 says a final review is standard practice. On the equity front, the answer will lie in your proposal.
In modern, Protocol Compliant proposals equity is, generally, only considered if it is over £5000. In modern times it is impossible to release equity ( although you still have to try). In this case there is usually an extension of 12 months instead.
All that said, your proposal was drafted a while ago and the company might well have had their own policies on the matter.
First, look at your proposal and see what that says on the matter. You can also email Karol, a representative of GT who has helped many members.
Karol can be contacted direct by emailing
ivacustomerservices@uk.gt.com and ensure that "IVA Forum" is all that is entered in the subject line of the email.
My opinions are merely that .. opinions based on experience. Always seek professional advice.
IVA Completed 23rd July 2013 .... C.C. 10th January 2014