Hi, I’m wanting to know any success stories with getting a new fixed deal with Halifax? Our mortgage deal ends sept 2022 (a long way off I know) but I can’t stop thinking about it and worrying about money if we aren’t accepted as if we have to go on SVR what if we can’t afford it? Me and my partner are both in an IVA, we only started our Iva in jan 2020. Any advice would be great. Thankyou!
Hopefully you will be ok but, if you have problems you can also speak to one of our two mortgage specialists on here, Shaun or Ryan.
If your mortgage does go up you can also see if additional payments can be added to your I&E.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
Hi Johnse. Easier said than done I know but do try not to worry about this too much. Closer to the time you need to look at a simple product switch (you can do this via a mortgage broker if you prefer, or otherwise you can do it yourself directly with your lender - hopefully it will fly 'under the radar' but sometimes they do ask the dreaded question. Unfortunately if they won't do it you are unlikely to get anything competitive elsewhere whilst you are still in the IVA. Worst case scenario speak to your IP about reducing your contributions based on the increased expenditure.
Specialist Mortgage Advisers. Highly Commended at the British Mortgage Awards.