Hi Everyone.
I have a 36K IVA (44K of debt) @ £600PCM (paying at 64.1 pence) which is almost at year 1 end. I am due to retire from the RAF in 2 months and I will receive a lump sum of about 22K. Unfortunately, I have had no success at finding a new job and I live in military housing (which I have to leave once my contract finishes). I have tried (oh how I have tried!) to speak with my IP and he refuses to speak when I ask for advice on my IVA.
I was advised to have a single IVA by my IP's company. One of my debts is to Barclays Bank, but now they are now perusing my wife for the full amount, yet they are being paid via the IVA. I spoke to my IP, his response was "unlucky" and in another conversation he accused my wife of taking a loan (not true) and he sees no problem that my creditor will be paid double!
I need to move into rented accommodation in a couple of months (my rent will increase by approx £500PCM), I recently explained to my IP that I will be undergoing a big lifestyle change (no job, no home etc) and I got the usual, "call back when your status changes, but we will not look to adjust your payments!"
I wish to offer a full and final payment to my creditors. How do I do this? Must I go through my IP? Do you think that there are "hidden" charges I will incur? I have tried to speak to my IP, but as I said, he refuses to speak to me on this subject UNTIL I have the money and it's sent to him. He did then say that the money will then be paid to the stakeholders and will not pay off any of my debts! Of course, I am furious! Like most people, all I want to do is pay my debts, but all this company seems to be interested in is fleecing me out of everything I have or will have. I have tried to speak to the supervisor, but no joy there either. My IP persuaded me to take an advance of pay from my pension fund (£7500 (I lose £9000 of funds)), which I foolishly did (this boosted my lump sum up to £22K). He has now asked for my pension pot details (its ring fenced by the government and I know he cannot touch that). I have spoken to the National Debt Helpline and they have advised me to deposit my lump sum into a different account so my IP cannot get at it until I have an agreement. I am not trying to hide it, I just want to use it to be free of debt, not to fund this company's Christmas Party!
I have asked for complete clarity of their charges via a letter (copied to my MP). I have never revieved a statement from them and I am still getting calls and letters from my creditors. I guess from my post, it's fair to say that I do not have a good IP. My IP won't give me a simple answer about anything and takes an aggressive accusatory tone, treating me like an idiot every time I call.
Do you think that 22K will be enough? I could ask my parents for a small loan to boost that, but at my age asking mum and dad to bail me out at is quite embarrassing!
Thanks in advance for your help and advice.
Last edited by
Blue Job on Fri May 28, 2010 9:34 am, edited 1 time in total.