So have a couple of questions,
Last December I had a relapse and went into a bookies and lost some money, about 500, I and my wife are on an IVA due to my gambling but have pretty much sorted it out, we always pay on time so there is no issue there.
But my review is due soon, what will they do if they see on bank statement Ladbrokes?
Also due to Covid my wife has had a couple of self employment grants as not as busy as she was, things are getting busier now though.
But never thought to mention this to IVA people, should I have?
Hasn’t changed our finances or anything but wondered what the score was with that?
Many thanks
They will certainly question the gambling and will want to know where this money came from.
Any changes in financial circumstances should be notified to your IP asap and they can decide what to do.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.