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Post by Skippy » Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:40 pm
I agree with animaleyes and Michael. The only problem I have is with people who come here and refuse to contribute to our society, or try to change it to suit themselves. I have the same problem with a lot of British people as well, when they think the world owes them a living.

Many immigrants come here and work harder than British people ever will.

Flowerpot, no one is saying that everyone on benefits is a scrounger - if you read some of the other posts you'll see that's something I feel quite strongly about.

The ones that people have a problem with are the ones who have decided that living off the state is their career choice - sadly they give the genuine people a bad name, and take money from those who need it x


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Post by kallis3 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:49 pm
I don't think any of us assume that all benefit claimants are scroungers, far from it.

There are people with genuine claims and I would never disagree with that.

The term I use is 'scroungers'. There is a difference.
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Post by angelrainbow » Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:56 pm
I also dislike the term benefit scroungers. It seems very judgemental and unfair to those who are in genuine need. Nobody should be made to feel guilty or ashamed for seeking whatever assistance is available to them. How are these people to know that the term 'scrounger' doesn't apply to them?
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Post by Skippy » Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:59 pm
I think it's clear from the posts that no one is criticising anyone who genuinely need help, only those who think the state owes them a living because they don't want to work.


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Post by kallis3 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:15 pm
It is not judgemental - only targeted at those who cannot, and do not, want to work.

Those people who genuinely in need of benefits I have no problem with. It is the people who want to milk the system for everything that I object to.
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Post by rayb » Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:20 pm
I agree Jan - scrounger is not a bad word and unfortunately there are a hell of lot of people in the UK (not immigrants) who are bleeding the system dry - churning out kid after kid with no intention of ever working for a living. When I was with my ex we lived in a block of flats (10) and out of all of them we were the only one's who worked and scraped by while our lovely neighbours lived the life of riley!!!

I have very little sympathy for these people but genuine cases - YES!!!


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Post by kallis3 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:13 pm
With you 100% Ray!

There are an awful lot of people out there who take the mickey big time.

If it's genuine, then I have no problem.
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Post by luluj » Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:16 pm
Sorry - I can see why the original post was made, but am a little concerned at the nature and content of the later posts. This forum is for members to ask questions and seek support around their IVA issues and it appears we have gone some way off track !

No-one in an IVA needs to worry - as your I&E annual check will take everything into account and where expenses have increased and income decreased - then you will have to ensure this is shown - your IP will then have to allow for the changes that the budget brings !

Can we end this thread now before it goes anywhere else on immigration and people on benefit !
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Post by Skippy » Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:36 pm
If you read the thread in full the original poster started the discussion about immigration and benefits!


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Post by outofpocket » Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:37 pm
What a great post to bring out how people feel. what i would like to say is for ten years we had growth and money in this country. in a short period of time we had to dig deep and pump money into banks etc. everyone one them have told lies and changed what they promised, but i do agree something has to be done. but lets not blame it on immirgration if they put into the system then you cant have a problem its the one who come here wanting hand outs what need dealing 60% of our gold was sold off cheap great choice labour thank god you have gone and you never get into power to ruin this great country.


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Post by kallis3 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:42 pm
Have to disagree that the forum is just about issues about IVAs. It is also about discussion and support about any problems they may have, IVA or otherwise.

I don't think we have gone off track at all.

We have just been discussing benefits, immigration and those people who do claim benefits when they don't need to. I think we have all acknowledged that a lot of people are entitled to benefits. A lot take the mickey though, as was mentioned in the budget.

I don't think there is anything wrong on this thread at the moment.
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Post by molly16 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:59 pm
evening ev1 ,

well mssrs cameron and clegg, i could save 8billion ... bring our boys home ! and i speak only as a mother of an 18yr old soldier in the army ( i dont care about any reaons they are there )! that would save a few pence !!! have read all the posts , and the sad fact of life is sometimes you are penalised for working . me and huby working clas family , im an nhs nurse , part time as wanted to be around for after school etc , huby works permenant nights . we are both nhs ... no annual pay rise, increase vat , we are going to be worse off . we have often thought , looking at the non working neighbours banging out kid after kid , if you cant beat them join them ... however there is a little element of pride . however would be glad to see them made to pay for a few bits , they can afford to smoke and takeaways most nights ... ok im a curtain twitcher .. the only plus for us is our iva will be finished nxt october ( 6 full years )


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Post by kallis3 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:36 pm
I'm as nosy as the next person, believe me!

I know there are people who do take the mickey with benefits, but others do need them.

Those people I have no problem with, and it's about time they managed to sort out the genuine claimants.
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Post by struggling63 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:55 pm
Just been watching Channel 4 news, and had to post, as I started to simmer.......

There was a lady on with 5 children who works part time, but lives in a big house in Islington, London, that costs the taxpayer nearly £700 PER WEEK to rent!

She was most indignant when it was suggested that she should move to somewhere cheaper, she actually seemed to think it was her right to live there, despite the cost.

Needless to say, the place was beautifully furnished and had the most massive Plasma TV in the living room!

This is the type of eprson that really gets me going, those that EXPECT everything for NOTHING.



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Post by Skippy » Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:06 pm
Exactly! They are the people who make it hard for genuine people.
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