george osbournes budget

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Post by Gettingthere » Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:20 pm
Hi all, been looking at this thread with some interest, I think that we all have our opinions on the current state of the financial mess which Labour (yes it was them) created over this past 13 or so years, yes things were not all together rosey before then, but they were a darn sight better than now (and I could not see a Conservative Gov giving tens of billions of tax payers money to the banks either which has just made matters so much worse, not to mention selling our gold reserves for a pittence compared to the price now, good foresight!)
I fully agree with those who say hammer the benefit scroungers for all it is worth, I have worked hard all of my life, paid taxes etc... and I look around at the majority of my "neighbourhood" and all I see is the lowest form of humanity with no pride or principle in their bodies, don't want to work? well have a few kids, get a council house (can't see many of those being built in the near future) get your bottles of Lambrini in and your scratch cards, life is good! What I do object to is the bashing of the public sector, my employer for the past 10 years. Oh we get too much money (no pay rise last year or this and about 2.5% which covered the previous 3 year all together), too much pension? for which I pay grandly out of my salary every month and the way things are going will see very little back for my trouble. So yes we all have our little bug bears and all, the thing is the country needs to do something to tackle the mess which has been made of OUR money, it is tough but it is about time everyone put up in tackling the problem rather than the minority, think of it as you would your own IVA, you realised you had major problems, could not see a way out so rather than sticking you head in the sand, you actually bit the bullet and took decisive action, which was what was needed with this budget, my humble opinion. Not easy, not nice but neccessary.


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Post by kallis3 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:47 pm
I'm public sector as well. No pay rise for a couple of years to look forward to now and I pay a lot for my pension. I shall have to pull my belt in, the same as every one else.

Whichever government gets elected, you won't please everyone.
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Post by Keepingmyheadabovewater » Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:30 pm
outofpocket wrote:

What a great post to bring out how people feel. what i would like to say is for ten years we had growth and money in this country. in a short period of time we had to dig deep and pump money into banks etc. everyone one them have told lies and changed what they promised, but i do agree something has to be done. but lets not blame it on immirgration if they put into the system then you cant have a problem its the one who come here wanting hand outs what need dealing 60% of our gold was sold off cheap great choice labour thank god you have gone and you never get into power to ruin this great country.
hi there i have to say if you blame labour than you are wrong for this mess out of this debt.its the banks and the experts are saying 60% GDP is the banks and the rest is made up on other projects that keep people in work .


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Post by kallis3 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:54 pm
Personally, I blame Labour for our problems. They borrowed too much money.
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Post by Skippy » Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:56 pm
And sold our gold reserves when the price of gold was at an all time low!


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Post by kallis3 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:59 pm
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Post by Keepingmyheadabovewater » Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:00 pm
kallis3 wrote:

Personally, I blame Labour for our problems. They borrowed too much money.
jan if labour had not bailed the banks out england would have gone bust and all of us would be on the street begging for a bowl of soup


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Post by flowerpot » Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:01 pm
Thank-you for the messages about 'not all on benefits are scroungers', its just that I would truly like to be well enough to get on an work, but life has dealt me health problems and now i have to muddle through and hope for to be fixed.

I dont think the financial crisis can be blamed wholly on Labour, because the whole world has and is going through the same sort of problem.

I know its got to be addressed, but I dont think hitting the middle/lower classes hard is going to help, when in fact it is a majority class and probably harder working than those with more than plenty in the bank.

I fear the effect of the budget will be negative and affect recovery from recession for the country.

For the individual, i think there will be an anwful lot of casualties - possibly the likes of many of us in an IVA, who have been sensible about trying to face up to their debt.

Those of us in IVA's have borrowed more than we can afford in the long run, and we have chosen to do something about it, but are in a fragile position to fair the current financial storm. We have all asked out creditors to take less than we owed, and will repay as much as we can. Maybe we also contributed to the financial meltdown?

For those in public sector jobs, a lot of private sector jobs for small and medium firm have not seen a pay increase for years and years, so I have every sympathy for you.


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Post by kallis3 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:02 pm
Doesn't matter who would have been in power - they would have had to have done the same. The problems were caused by the borrowing of the government over the past 13 years.
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Post by Skippy » Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:03 pm
Maybe some of the banks should have been allowed to go bust - after all, any other companies would have done!


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Post by flowerpot » Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:10 pm
In effect Bradford and bingley did go bust.

Their debt has been nationalised - and sods law, my mortgage is with them, so I can look out come december when my fixed rate ends!!

Their savings books have been taken over by Santander.

None of its fair, the only little satisfaction I take in the whole matter is that at least its not just us mere mortals in financial dire straits!!


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Post by phil732 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:10 pm
Labour have ruined this once great country, as usual its the Tories who have to fix it, I know they will get us back on track but it will be difficult.


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Post by kallis3 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:11 pm
I hope they can Phil.
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Post by Skippy » Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:12 pm
And unfortunately Labour will get back in as people will only remember the cuts the Tories have to make to get things back on track.


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Post by Keepingmyheadabovewater » Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:12 pm
Skippy wrote:

Maybe some of the banks should have been allowed to go bust - after all, any other companies would have done!
hi skippy if the banks go your would not have a job or any money because it would belong to the state if you have savings you would have lost the lot.
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