Hi Tanya and welcome
I wanted to reply because you sound so stressed and I wanted you to know you are not alone
If you work out what you pay on secured debts such as your mortgage and living expenses, not including your unsecured debts, ie credit cards, loans etc, what is left over would be your disposable imcome
There is rough correlation between the amount of unsecured debt and your disposible imcome. Which would determine if IVA is the right route for you, it also depends on the creditors ie Northern rock and Hsbc bank.
In an IVA your living expenses would be basic, but must be realistically possible for a 5 year stint, there is usually also an equity release clause at some point.
Firstly you could try phoning some IVA companies to get an idea if this is a possible route for you. Take care not to jump in with the first 'sympathetic ear' who offers a way out and shop around. Some people have had bad experiences with unrelalistic proposals. please do not be ashamed, you are taking steps to solve your debt problems. There are many good experts who post on this site and hopefully will come forward to offer some real advise.
I am not an expert just another person stuggling with a debt problem
Good luck and keep posting
Last edited by
freelili on Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.