Hi again im really sorry for pestering, i cant sleep or eat! all im thinking is iva iva iva !!
i am with DFD i was andering what is the time scale for a f&f settlement to be propoed to being aceepted or not? also is the criteris for voting in the f&f meeting the same as when my iva was accepted? northern rock has majority of my debt so impanicking because i hear they stick to there guns?! and also what is the acceptance rate for DFD fo f&f settlements??
sorry !!
Hi sam, try not to worry, have you put forward a F&F offer? I don't know the stats for acceptance of F&F but if it's for a valid reason and a fair amount, I'm sure the creditors will look favourably on this. Declan will be able to commment further I'm sure. x
IVA final payment left the bank on the 26th January 2013...looking forward to a debt free future.