Hi Melanie,
many thanks for your interest, FYI, AIB are currently auditing this account(in respect of the duplicate invoices), nothing back from them as yet. We are asking lots of questions and not getting answers. After trawling through the SIP's I discovered that the AIB should have received a copy of my husbands income and expenditure. Wrote a letter to AIB asking them if they received a copy ( sent them a photocopy) still waiting for a reply.It appears we have been badly let down by a system that has allowed an Insolvency firm to conduct themselves in this manner.
Hi Melanie, I would appreciate the benefit of your expert knowledge again! I contacted AIB today to check all was going to plan, only to be told that they hadn't received the files from PTD company! Basically, if I hadn't contacted them, nothing was being done! Call me a sceptic, but I was under the impression the AIB could walk into their office and demand the files? Considering the allegations/proof the AIB have been given, why are they dragging their heels? Also received a letter from PTD company Friday of last week, stating their intention to withdraw £950+vat from the account for their fees! I asked the AIB if they could do this, considering they were already being accused of embezzling money? Forgive me, but it seems that no-one is taking the matter seriously at all, truly shocking! By the end of the conversation AIB were going to chase up files from PTD company, and, hopefully, inform them that they cannot remove fees whilst they are under investigation. To make double sure, I have sent a letter of objection to AIB re. the fees. Do you think there is anything else I can do? Many thanks for your time again[:)]
I suggest that you contact Melanie off forum to discuss this.
You can find her contact details under the expert link on the left hand side of the page.
Give her an email initially and I am sure she will be able to help you.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
That is the correct way of dealing with this if you want my team to look into this. I cannot promise we can help, but we would be happy to provide advice off line if it would help.