Hi all, my first time posting on here, been a long time browser but never actually signed up to ask anything. Anyhow I have a question regarding my Iva
My wife and I are in a joint Iva, started in August/ September 2019. We paid for a holiday with TUI to go to Spain In may next month via direct debit 6 payments of £195, now we know we arnt going to be able to go due to Coronavirus so our holiday is going to be cancelled. We can get a full refund of the holiday paid back into our bank account in a few weeks time, would Stepchange demand this money even though it was from our allowances etc.? We are not flush with money by any means and we really did sacrifice a heck of a lot just to make the holiday payments. So if possible we will be using this money to tidy up the garden and what not. Any ideas? We are due a review in about 4 month or so, so it’ll be showing on our bank account that £1170 will be paid into our account?
These are unprecedented times and there are no 'black and white' answers (at the risk of sounding like a politician!). Stepchange do seem to be a fair provider and are being pro-active in this crisis. All you can do is explain the bank deposit, as you have done in your post. After all, it isn't actually extra income, it is a refund of monies already accounted for in the IVA.
Hopefully Stepchange will respond sympathetically, if, indeed, they even pick it up.
My opinions are merely that .. opinions based on experience. Always seek professional advice.
IVA Completed 23rd July 2013 .... C.C. 10th January 2014