How can I get my IVA contribution changed?
I have had a significant change in my circumstances which has resulted in expenses increasing and income decreasing. I submitted full details in my annual review, and simply got a phone call two weeks later telling me that my payments remain unchanged for another year. When I asked about my changed circumstances, they seemed uninterested. I asked to speak to my IP, to be told that he had left the company. I asked who the replacement was and could I speak to them, and was told 'no, we deal with enquiries'. If I can't get an alteration made to my payments for the duration of the IVA, it will definately fail. I have calculated that I can repay £19K of my £43K debt, not including any fees of course.
I would be grateful for any advice here as my only other option is to file for BC which I would rather not do.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
I agree with Jan. You need to try to speak to your IP direct.
I could understand if your IP was busy at the time but it disgusts me that they just dont take calls. That hardly fills you with confidence.
Mel, do you know if Steve Quinn takes phone calls cause he is at The Debt People who I am with and I have never spoken to him once. I am happy with the person who looks after my case though Richard Hays he is friendly and understanding on the phone. Just curious if my IP takes phone calls if you or anyone knows
Sorry - I don't know too much about that particular firm to be frank. Why not give it a try - but if you are happy with your case manager then there may be no need to. It just makes me cross when people report that their IP will not speak to them.
Thats cool, thanks for replying. To be honest I am happy with Richard we have a good rapport and on the rare occasion I do need to speak to him we have always come to an agreement. I think my review went to the IP because they had to negotiate with the dreaded TIX who I have a personal issue with. It's documented elsewhere on here my feelings so I won't repeat lol. If I ever need to speak to Steve Quinn I'll let you know if he takes my call
Thanks to everyone for their replies. The firm I am with is Debt Free Direct. I've taken a half-day off work today to try and get it sorted out and will phone again this afternoon. I have produced spreadsheets showing projected income and expenditure over the next five years, so I'll see what they say, if anything that is!
Well, I spent half-an-hour queueing in their phone system being charged 0845 rates and failed to get a reply. A recorded message kept telling me that I should email them, but last time I did that they paid no attention to its contents. I think perhaps I should try printing out my suggestions and posting them to DFD by recorded delivery?
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to move my IVA from DFD to another company that will do something for their £10K fee?
It's almost impossible and certainly very difficult to change companies once in an IVA so always best to try and work it out with your IP.
I do realise you're having a problem contacting them, maybe a letter via recorded delivery might be the answer but it really shouldn't be, your IP should be available for you at some point.
IVA final payment left the bank on the 26th January 2013...looking forward to a debt free future.
Update: I tried DFD again using their 0800 new client number and got through within 3 minutes! The girl I spoke to in their customer care team was helpful & eficient and is going to forward my proposal to my IP for him to review.
Isn't it amazing what a difference speaking to the right person can make?
Hi All
Just back from holidays and picking up these queries. Holtsaber - I am sorry you have experienced such difficulty and hopefully it will be resolved very soon. If you do experience problems getting through to us then do not hesitate to drop me an email and I will ensure it gets treated as a priority. My email details can be found on my profile under the experts page.
Thanks Michael.
Thankfully we managed to avoid the ash and didnt experience any delays. As for the sun, sadly I couldnt escape that and Im suffering now!