How Long do the calls last...

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Post by Pandy » Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:51 pm
Hubby is going mental at me he is getting daily phone calls and letters from Lloyds TSB, it is from there Indian call centre. We turned the phone off since last Monday and when we turned it on today there were 6 answer phone messages from Lloyds asking for him to ring them. We had our interlocking IVA approved in April I have had no calls or letters at all, but he is still getting constantly harassed , We contacted our company (BE) and they have told us they have told them a number of times via email etc. but it doesn't stop.
We have tried answering them giving them the details and explaining about the IVA, all we get at the end of the call is ' Yes we understand that but when are we going to get a payment' [:(]
We have tried ignoring the calls and refusing to give our details that increased the calls to 2 a day.[:(]
We tried ringing the main office in the UK and explaining but they were about as helpful as a chocolate fire-guard. [:(]

Has anyone else had any problems of harassment with them, and what did you do to stop it because neither we nor BE seem to be able to, just to let us know we are not alone [:D]
It does make me feel what is the point of the IVA if we are still getting all this hassle plus they are adding interest and late payment charges onto his accounts as well we now these will come off eventually but he is feeling very picked on especially as I am getting none of it.
If life is what you make it, I must have been in a strange mood when I made mine

Tina Shortland

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Post by Tina Shortland » Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:59 pm
Hi Pandy - sorry to read what a nightmare you are having with LTSB. If you have both had an IVA approved then the creditors should not be contacting you as they are all bound by the IVA and should therefore not be expecting a payment. Do ensure you have both been covered by the IVA. Your IP should be ensuring this contact should not be happening as they are supervising your legally binding agreement.

I hope you manage to get it resolved very quickly so as not to cause either of you any more upset. The approval should have been the positive starting point.

Keep us posted.

Regards, Tina Shortland, Debt Advisory Manager for Melanie Giles at Debt Advice TV.

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Adam Davies

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Post by Adam Davies » Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:00 pm
Blair Endersby need to get hold of Lloyds and put a stop to this. Have they formally written to Lloyds about this ?
Andam Davies


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Post by kallis3 » Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:02 pm
It is a nuisance when this happens. I suggest that you have a word with your IP and ask them to speak to LTSB again to tell them to stop harrassing you.

Is it possible for you to change your number? That would get them off your back.

Otherwise I'm afraid I would be less than polite with them now.
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Post by Pandy » Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:06 pm
Hi Tina,
Yes hubby is covered by it all, his name is even on the insolvency register as well as mine, tried asking LTSB to look at that but the 'nice' Indian lady promptly forgot any English at that point as it was off her scripted answers [:D][:D]

We definitely have interlocking IVA's it is just so frustrating, I think they read my name at the top and took my name off the list but didn't read underneath to his, it is the only explanation I can think of.

It is possible to change the number we are keeping that as a last resort. That is fast approaching though.
Last edited by Pandy on Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If life is what you make it, I must have been in a strange mood when I made mine

Tina Shortland

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Post by Tina Shortland » Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:08 pm
You might be right as something is not right somewhere. As Andy suggest, BE need to sort this for you now and it should be escalated until it is.

I'm glad you are both covered - I was worried for a minute!

...and remind hubby it isn't your fault!

Regards, Tina Shortland, Debt Advisory Manager for Melanie Giles at Debt Advice TV.

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Post by MelanieGiles » Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:57 pm
Get them to threaten Llouds with the Banking Ombudsman if this unecessary harassment does not stop.
Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner

Blair Endersby

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Post by Blair Endersby » Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:00 am
Hi Pandy

Please forward your customer reference to the below email address, and I will review your file.

Kind regards

Blair Endersby


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Post by Pandy » Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:53 pm
Email sent 21.7.10 with all the details.
If life is what you make it, I must have been in a strange mood when I made mine
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