...from intial phone call to advisor, to call back and receiving all necessary paperwork ?? I know every case is different so its just an average really xx
After sending all proof of your debts. Your Income and Expenditure, changing your bank account and all. The IP needs to draft a proposal to your creditors and request a meeting. One month's notice needs to be given of the meeting. So if you have submitted all your paperwork then about 6 weeks.
thanks, but i meant from the very first phone call to actually receiving the paperwork with what i have to do/collect together etc. It will be a week on tuesday since i phoned xx
To a great extent it depends on your efficiency in providing the information and your IP's ability to respond quickly ( bearing in mind their case load and the work involved). As far as I am aware a creditor's meeting requires 4 weeks notice.
I sent an e-mail enquiry, and someone phoned back the next day and went through everything verbally. I think it was then about a week before I got an e-mail introducing my case manager to me, and I then received a welcome pack the next day with the authority to act form, plus the list of paperwork required. I've been told that the ball is in my court at the moment, i.e the sooner I get the paperwork together, the sooner they can start the proposal. So i guess if you want to start getting bank statements, latest bills, payslips etc all copied and ready, then that might give you a bit of a head start!!
It does take a while to dig everything out!
Lou74 thank you very much !!!!! i think i am waiting for a case manager to phone, that was what i understood from the initial phone call. I shall phone back on tuesday or wednesday, that will have been a week. oh, i've maybe been forgotton !!
If I think you are who I think you are, I am sure that we will have already sent you some paperwork to be getting on with, but if there is any confusion give Tina a call and she can take you through it again. Our case managers will be in touch once we have all of the paperwork we require - and I feel sure that Tina will have already e-mailed you a list? If not, could you e-mail her off-line and we will deal with this directly rather than on the forum.
I can assure you that none of my clients get forgotten!
If you Google Jones Giles you will find the website and there is a contact us link on there.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk