I am a private landlord, just a woman with a flat who rented it to the wrong person. My tenant has claimed an IVA on January without informing me when £4,300 in arreas. She is now £7,600into arreas and counting.
I am not familiar with IVA or what does this mean for me as creditor. I have received an email from the IVA Insolvency Executive asking me if I agree for the full arreas until she leaves to get included into the IVA. What does this mean for me? Would I get paid the full money?
No -- as a creditor (someone she owes money to) you will only get a dividend (so many pence in the pound). You need to get specific advice yourself as to your rights and remedies from a qualified professional.
My opinions are merely that .. opinions based on experience. Always seek professional advice.
IVA Completed 23rd July 2013 .... C.C. 10th January 2014