Hi folks after pulling my hair out and kicking myself for signing WITHOUT READING ,I finally rang them up again today nice and calm and polite but to the point in hand,explaining that I wasn't well when they sent me the proposal, so I didn't read it when I should have ,and that they should have a duty of care to tell me about what was good for me and not them, I said your duty of care should have told me to go bankrupt or to do a dro not to let someone take something out that is definitely the wrong advice to give them if they are part of the fca this should be there main aim and not make money off someone who is struggling, plus the figures they where working of were not the correct figures ,so fair play the lad who I spoke to actually seemed to know this job he put me on hold said if was going to talk to his supervisor he was back in a couple of minutes and agreed that I should have never been told to take an iva out ,if I could prove what income I had coming in so they can go back to the creditors and tell them it was no fault of mine,it was,there fault so the creditors can see it don't have enough money so they want to withdraw the iva to allow me to go down a better route to sort my debts problems out ,so what was going to be a week and 5 years of struggling turned out not two bad but all ,I must say the lad/gentleman that I spoke to even said they shouldn't,have put you on this anyway so if knew his job ,so all turned out right in the end i hope ,so I can get my dro lined up for when the rules change ,just hope i can get it in place before the creditors start collection,having said that I'm onto very easy to intimate her stand my ground where creditors are concerned, but I think a little win for the little people today.
Thank you ask for your,advice it does,make a difference,so much,appreciated . thanks Tim .