my oh has been in IVA since Feb 2006 never missed payment never taken a holiday.... just had a letter saying they have no record of his review forms - which he sent back in fact he's never had any contact just been paying £325 regular since it started... letter says must receive review and deficit is £1200 (so far) my q. is can he get into trouble if they have not received his review forms and can they say there is a deficit I presumed it was 5 year set rate debt clear... at this rate it may go on into another year... should he seek independant advice before speaking to his IVA company - very worried
Your OH should contact their IP immediately as this seems totally wrong. If there were additional monies to be paid over for bonuses or overtime etc it should have been noticed before the final year.
If your IP has no record of the review forms, how do they know how much has been underpaid as this information could only come from wage slips or a P60 which would be sent as part of the review?
The only other possibility I can see is if your partner was to increase their payments when for example their car HP agreement ceased but regardless get him to contact the IP and have it explained properly.