The IPs and professionals who post on here do so in their own time and aren't paid. Maybe they do get business, but if you look at the times that Melanie posts on here then I tend to think that she deserves something back.
I don't understand why people post on here just to knock the forum and those who give up their time to post on it.
I don't have rose tinted glasses at all. I am on this forum to give support to people who need it, and advice where I can. I don't get paid, I do it because I want to.
As previously said, nobody works for nothing, not in any industry and if I'm getting a good service then I'm happy to pay for it.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
Oh come on , If I am cynical then you are really blind to what is going on here. Do you really think all those people on this site who are Ips are doing this in "their own time" as you say without thinking of making more revenue?? Come on who is being cynical? Wake up and see the real world....
Melanie is very good dont get me wrong but she is also a business woman and I bet through this site she gets new business, just think when I came on this site I read and made my mind up just from this site who I wanted to go to for advice and this was only on the basis of the responses, the terminology and the kind words.
So its a great way to advertise without actualy advertising.
Simples !!!!
They do a good job I give you that but its not all for the Love of it.
To be quite honest I dont care what my IP gets as in just under 4 years I will be debt free. With out the IPs I dont know what I would have done, probably gone mad and been sent to an institution. I think that when they tell you what you will be paying each month just look at that figure and dont worry about what your IP is getting or not getting and just focus on the light at the end of the tunnel.
Well said Carole and in my case to be frank I lost a business with 12 staff all out of work now because the Banks who we bailed out would not fund me anymore but had for years without a word-I will keep my frustration for them.
I am well aware that the companies on here will get business. However, their advice is invaluable and the forum would be a poorer place without them.
I'm not going to get into a war of words with you.
We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
Thank you ashb, none of us on here are stupid or blind and despite what you might think, we live in the real world.
If you want a good service then in the real world you can expect to pay for it. I don't work in a service industry, but I'm still paid for the job I do, so why shouldn't an IP be paid?
If you are so bothered about IP fees can I ask why you are in an IVA and not doing a DMP yourself?
I cant comment really comment on IP fees as I really did not look at them in the beginning.
Im one that truly wishes I had found this forum before entering an IVA.
I am not with any of the IPs on here & well into my IVA, but the help n support they have given me has enabled me to get through some difficulties in my IVA. If was not for the brilliant free advise I have been given so far - my IVA would of failed by now.
I am so grateful to this forum & for finding it & being able to pop on here when I get a problem & get instant support from all walks of life, from people in IVAs to the experts. It makes me quite annoyed when people put the forum down.
Final IVA payment made in April 2013, never ever thought we could do it or get through it but we did! X
An Mentor is someone sharing from their experiences of dealing with debt
This conversation could snowball and snowball - if it wasn't for IP's none of us in IVA's would be where we are !
I really don't mind how much it costs, so long as at the end of the five years I am debt free, have learnt my lesson and have gained support and encouragement along the way.
In the main everyone posting on this forum supports and encourages others - we look out for each other and prop each other up along the way when bad times hit ! I certainly have gained alot of knowledge and comfort from those IP's who give up their time to respond to some of our questiosn - whether we are their clients or not - so what if along the way they get new customers - so long as they continue to be impartial in the advice they give bring it on is what I say !
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
There is a solution for everyone .... Just need to stay positive !
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
I am happy to be in a IVA and could not of done it without the help from here and the good efforts, my point is only when the facts that some people believe that all IPs are doing out of "love " only, I do not agree with that totally and my posts here have described why.
They are on here to promote themselves. Have you noticed they are conspicuos by their absence. Where are Peoples, Giles, etc.. Probably sat in their flashy cars or drinking in some trendy bar laughing at us. As Delia Smith once said "COME ON WHERE ARE YOU"
What could have been a good debate has unfortunatley been ruined by Pugwash - there really is no need to be so rude. If you can't put your point across in a polite manner, then please refrain from doing so at all.
There is no need for rudeness about anyone who posts on here and I am locking the thread.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.