Thanks everyone. There isn't really a hurry to get it sorted out as I've definitely got one more payment to make at the end of the month so I'm not stressing about it.
No, I didn't get anything from MB, although half of my payments were made to Clarke Willmott, who I have to say were more professional and could actually help when you phoned them! The couple of times I've had to phone MB I've been told they need to speak to the RTLU, so I've phoned them myself.
Good luck getting any sense out of them, although you might be dealing with a different office to me. If they don't help, give the RTLU a call. My case manager has sent me a breakdown of payments received.
This gets even better - the Co-op are now on my list of complaints!
I got an email today telling me that the copy statement had been ordered and my account will be debited with the correct amount. At no point did the person on the phone mention a charge so of course I panicked as I don't want any charges.
I phoned customer services and ended up putting the phone down as the person was so unhelpful. She told me that they wouldn't send the statement until there were sufficient funds in the account, which is fine, but not what the email said. I'd already order one statement online (the wrong one!) and the person I spoke to last week hadn't even ordered the other one!
Enough money is now winging it's way to the account and hopefully by the time I get back from holiday I might have the right statement!
I'm not used to such rubbish service from the Co-op, they've always been excellent in the past but I'm certainly not impressed at the moment!
Oh no Skippy, well I don't think the person you spoke to is representative of the Co-op. I'm sorry this is happening to you, you don't need or deserve it. It will be sorted and hopefully very soon. x
IVA final payment left the bank on the 26th January 2013...looking forward to a debt free future.
I've just realised that I posted on the wrong thread before! I've now got the statement that clearly shows the payment, so once we get the printer sorted out I'll get it copied and sent off to the OR and then cross my fingers!
Should be no problems if you've got it in writing.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.