Your creditors if they write or contact you via phone.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
I’m so pleased for you - I’ve been checking on your nail biting wait throughout the day! I started my IVA last April and it has changed my life. I actually feel I have more money than ever as things had got so tight with the amount I was paying in credit despite having a good salary. However tight some months are such as Christmas or when the car needs repairing it’s great to know I’ve paid for it and not put it on a card. No more searching online for loans to consolidate debt, no more telling myself next month will be easier and no more hiding my growing debt from my family. I got into debt after separating and getting divorced. A combination of taking debt with me, setting up a new home, spoiling my kids through guilt and then getting remarried left me with a mountain of debt. In March last year as I sat paying all my cards and loans I literally collapsed when I realised how little was left to last the month. I told my husband and my family and my brother in law recommended an IVA. Within two days I had a meeting with my IVA company Begbies Traynor and the wheels were in motion.
I hope you have a great sleep tonight you deserve it!
Buddy1 wrote:I’m so pleased for you - I’ve been checking on your nail biting wait throughout the day! I started my IVA last April and it has changed my life. I actually feel I have more money than ever as things had got so tight with the amount I was paying in credit despite having a good salary. However tight some months are such as Christmas or when the car needs repairing it’s great to know I’ve paid for it and not put it on a card. No more searching online for loans to consolidate debt, no more telling myself next month will be easier and no more hiding my growing debt from my family. I got into debt after separating and getting divorced. A combination of taking debt with me, setting up a new home, spoiling my kids through guilt and then getting remarried left me with a mountain of debt. In March last year as I sat paying all my cards and loans I literally collapsed when I realised how little was left to last the month. I told my husband and my family and my brother in law recommended an IVA. Within two days I had a meeting with my IVA company Begbies Traynor and the wheels were in motion.
I hope you have a great sleep tonight you deserve it!
Thank you very much, your story is like my story except no one knows about my situation in my family and I have to deal with it on my own I didn’t tell anyone as I feel guilty and ashamed of myself, I can’t remember the last time I woke up without anxiety and heart palpitations from the stress of my debt. And the last time I slept with no problem. I am so glad I found this forum online on the night I thought there is no hope in this world. I didn’t even know what’s IVA I read about it in this forum and today after 5 weeks from the first day I found out about IVA, I’ve been accepted for one.
The guilt is awful isn’t it, but you don’t need to feel like that anymore. Telling my husband of 1 year was awful- he knew I had cards and loans but no idea how much they added up to, I think he was under the same illusion as my kids you’ve got a great job you can afford it, if I don’t ask how we’ve paid for that holiday for 7 of us it’ll be alright! My parents don’t know and my children just think I’ve taken 1 large loan to clear everything and therefore can’t have credit cards etc - which isn’t far from the truth. I only told my sister as I thought she could take a loan to clear my debt and I would pay her - that’s how conditioned you get to keep looking for the next loan! My brother in law is an accountant who was familiar with IVA and bankruptcy for his clients and he just said it’s a no brainer and you’ve got no choice. Throughout the process he kept saying at the moment it’s awful but you will feel better and it’s true. You can plan for your future now - a much simpler one without credit! It does hurt occasionally when you think I could get that or go there if I had a card - but literally only for a second. My shopping has completely changed and it really makes you buy only what you need. Depending on your budget try and budget yourself an amount each month for a treat for you - it might only be £20 but it’ll be great to get it for yourself. Look after yourself mentally and be really proud of what you’ve achieved this week.
Buddy1 wrote:The guilt is awful isn’t it, but you don’t need to feel like that anymore. Telling my husband of 1 year was awful- he knew I had cards and loans but no idea how much they added up to, I think he was under the same illusion as my kids you’ve got a great job you can afford it, if I don’t ask how we’ve paid for that holiday for 7 of us it’ll be alright! My parents don’t know and my children just think I’ve taken 1 large loan to clear everything and therefore can’t have credit cards etc - which isn’t far from the truth. I only told my sister as I thought she could take a loan to clear my debt and I would pay her - that’s how conditioned you get to keep looking for the next loan! My brother in law is an accountant who was familiar with IVA and bankruptcy for his clients and he just said it’s a no brainer and you’ve got no choice. Throughout the process he kept saying at the moment it’s awful but you will feel better and it’s true. You can plan for your future now - a much simpler one without credit! It does hurt occasionally when you think I could get that or go there if I had a card - but literally only for a second. My shopping has completely changed and it really makes you buy only what you need. Depending on your budget try and budget yourself an amount each month for a treat for you - it might only be £20 but it’ll be great to get it for yourself. Look after yourself mentally and be really proud of what you’ve achieved this week.
No more looking for debt consolidation loans on internet and getting rejected for me and you.
Well done you for doing the step change and decide to leave free from any credit.