It may be next week before Declan comes on here as I believe he is on holiday this week.
He's very reliable at trying to sort things out.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
To be honest I would go through the right channels as I have already indicated speak to the IP advise your dissatisfaction with their service etc. Hopefully resolve the issue from there.
On a personal note if they still ignored me and forced me down the potential route of bankruptcy then yes I would go the heavy handed route and put the pressure on them which they have put on you. It shouldn't always be the debtor who gets put under the spotlight especially if you are doing all things correctly and not being met half way the other side. I believe a court would definitely see that side of the coin if it went that far.
In Declan's absence I have spoken to our customer care team who advise if you email them your reference number they will call you back to discuss. Please email
Alternatively, you can call our customer care team direct on 0845 296 0117 (Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm and Sat 9:00am-1:00pm).
Declan will back from his holiday this Monday 10th May if you wish to contact him initially.
Glad to see that Paul has been able to step in, whilst no doubt Declan is enjoying a hard earned rest.
No-one likes receiving complaints - and in my experience they can usually be resolved quite amicably if both sides take some time out to understand each other's position.
I'll be standing in for Declan only when he's on holiday. Over time this may lead to me becoming a second poster but for now think of me as holiday cover!
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
Hi Steveco
I’m just picking this up and haven’t had a chance to discuss this with my colleague Paul. Has this been resolved yet for you? If not drop[ me an email (my email can be found on my profile under the experts listing) and I will ensure this gets treated quickly.
Nice to see you back Declan, hope you had a good holiday.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
Glad you've got your help Steve. Hope everything takes a turn for the better now.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.