So tomorrow will be 3 months since the register was informed of completion of our IVA (thanks to those who explained how to find that info!)
I have been checking it daily (not obsessed honestly!)
We completed 22 Oct, register says 20 Nov so three months on will be tomorrow 20 Feb.
Will it simply just disappear when the register refreshes tomight?! Seems odd that it will just vanish! I mean its fab but does it just to disappear literally overnight?
Thanks foggy!
Ive even set a reminder on my calendar to ‘check the IR’....dont know why i think i need reminding!!
It will go from our credit report 6 years after starting (early April) too wont it along with the defaukted accounts which are dated end of March 2013....apart from one which is Dec 2013 (i have already filed a dispute to get that date altered-just takes time).
I think, but don't quote me, that it has to have some human intervention. Nearing the end of my IVA everyone was saying 3 months max to fall off the IR. I was surprised and totally amazed that I dropped off on the 3rd day after the date on my CC. This could only have happened by a human pressing a button in error??!! My wife on the other hand was close to 3 months to be removed. Hope it just happens for you anyway.
Last Payment made 04/12/14. Completion Certificate 25/7/15. IVA company GT. No Issues
Well its 00:05 and bwfore going to bed I just thought Id check....never expected it to be gone...but it has!
Just like that!
Mine and my husbands names have gone from the insolvency register! We were there at 2330 because i showed him and we were talking about it....and now we arent!
OMG! Sorry....just another step closer to repairing our financial lives!
Congrats - On wards and upwards.
I know its a small thing to some, but knowing your name is not out there in public for anyone access made me feel a lot better. Good luck for the future.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.