I've just started my second year of my IVA, but due to car repair and drain/sewerage problems I'm really struggling. I have still managed to pay my mortgage, utility bills etc, but the last company I worked for over-paid me and I have been repaying this back each month. However, that amount I have missed for the last two months and they are now threatening to take me to court if I don't pay in full all the remaining amount straight away. What I want to know is, will this affect my IVA?
You should discuss the impact of this overpayment of salary directly with your own IP. It may be possible to arrange a short payment break for you to meet these demands, but you shoudl not really be in this position in the first place as presumably you were aware you were recieving too much salary at time?
You need to discuss this with your IP asap to advise what has occurred and the reasons behind it. They will advise if they can or can't assist you in any way.