Hi guys,
Iva compleated 01 nov 18 and still on IR till 8th feb hopefully.
I’m selling my property now and when you take out the Iva the IP puts a restriction on the property.
Would this be lifted now and how would I find out?
It normally gets lifted when they issue the completion certificate ( but can get overlooked). Ask your IP to confirm that he has lodged the RX4 to get it removed. Depnding on proccessing times at Land Registry, it can take a couple of weeks. You can check your title online at Land Registry https://www.gov.uk/get-information-abou ... s-of-deeds
My opinions are merely that .. opinions based on experience. Always seek professional advice.
IVA Completed 23rd July 2013 .... C.C. 10th January 2014
Foggy wrote:It normally gets lifted when they issue the completion certificate ( but can get overlooked). Ask your IP to confirm that he has lodged the RX4 to get it removed. Depnding on proccessing times at Land Registry, it can take a couple of weeks. You can check your title online at Land Registry https://www.gov.uk/get-information-abou ... s-of-deeds
Low and behold the restriction is still on my property.
I’ve done everything expected of me why can’t people just help me out and do there bit.
Bloody nightmare freeman jones once again after them taking over my Iva from Harrington brooks.
Foggy wrote:Drop an email to ian.williams "at" freemanjones "dot" com He has helped many a forum user get sorted and can, no doubt look at this for you.