Encourage your client to report them Andy. To be quite frank that advice is seriously appalling and they deserve to have their consumer credit licence removed.
Hey, just a note to say I begin my DMP with Vincent Bond on Monday. Still nervous about the phonecalls I'm likely to receive but sure they'll go away soon enough. Been really impressed with the service so far, top notch indeed! Really glad I found this website now!
You are with one of the best companies in the business - so rest assured they have your interests at heart and will work hard for you to get creditors to accept your offer.
Good luck with your DMP Jim. I'm sure VB will sort things out for you.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
Hi Essex Jim,
Most companies listed on IVA.COM will provide DMPS as well as IVA`s. This site also provides genuine reviews of companies listed on there. One thing to remember if you were to look at a consolidation loan, Most of the big loan brokers can give you a decision in principle without conducting a credit search which should be accurate as long as all information about your credit file you give them is correct.
Just to keep people in the loop with how I'm getting on with VB and my DMP. It's been just like the biggest weight of my shoulders, I feel so much happier, just gutted I didn't bother doing it before. The phonecalls are going down and checking the VB website I can see within 2 weeks of my DMP set up 3 out of the 12 creditors I was with have accepted and 1 negotiating. At this rate my expectation of all creditors accepting within 2 months is firmly on track. The service has been top notch, always had emails replied to very quickly along with any advice needed. But most importantly I really do feel so much better about my life right now, my girlfriend has noted how much happier I've been recently! I've been budgeting really well and it's so nice to not have my bank account in a complete mess and I know exactly what's going out. Cheers for the advice on here and apologies for dragging up an old thread on the forum but I feel a million times happier and just wanted to tell someone!!
That really is good news and you are with an excellent company. They can do the negotiating for you and remove a lot of the stress you have been under. It is actually a good thing you brought up the old thread because so many times we never find out how people got on.
its brilliant essex jim, i'm glad your in a happier place, and your relationship stronger, i too was ripped off by money expert, but you know we live and learn, but the lessons are hard but the future is bright. best wishes.