My husband is on furlough and now just been told by his employer they can no longer afford him (mechanic) due to the covid 19 strain and advised he put his months notice in which he did. Now he has till the 31st August then he’s unemployed. We rang up citizens advice for some help what to do because there’s no where applying for the second where I am, citizens advice told my husband to apply for universal Credits while job seeking so we can still live and pay the bills, so we have done that made a claim. Tomorrow morning I will call Creditfix and explain everything to them. What do you think will happen or there say? It’s only me in the iva but I get as I’m married it’s the joint income they go from. And I’m due in August/September my first yearly review. I don’t want Creditfix to have a moan or anything when this is actually out of my control
Sorry to hear this and hope he gets another job soon. I am sure CF will be sympathetic and will hopefully give you a payment break once he finishes work. Let us know.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
Maybe a payment break can be agreed for a few months until the dust settles. But there are only a few firms that base an individuals payment on household income, most will base it on your income alone and only use the other partners income was a guide to work out the fair share of household expenses between you. Even on that basis -- as his income has gone down, your share of expenses will go up, so hopefully CF can assist by reducing your payment a bit.
My opinions are merely that .. opinions based on experience. Always seek professional advice.
IVA Completed 23rd July 2013 .... C.C. 10th January 2014
Thank you for the reply, I’m happy to carry on with the payments as I understand that I owe this debt. Even if they allow me to lower then for a month or so till he finds a full time job then restart the agreed payments again after that. I work part time he was full time so paid the higher bills rent council tax etc. Will keep you updated on their response. Hopefully it’s understanding and myself and Creditfix can work out a plan what happens next.
Little update.
Creditfix was informed of what’s happening and was really understanding and said this has happened a lot to many customers of there’s and they sympathies this isn’t our fault.
And they even said apply for universal credits till my husband finds a new job, they will be sending me in the post a new expenditure form to fill out and send back. They also said that they know that universal credits takes 5-6 weeks but if we have no income and only mine which £1000 a month to ring them back and they can give me payment breaks to help me.
The phone call I was extremely worried about telling them but they was very supportive and understanding. Now to await for the document they send me.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
Hi again, just another quick question. Today I received in the mail the new form to total down money and expenditures form and in the letter said I can either post all my documents to them or email it so as they said email so take photos and send them everything? Only thing I question is which Creditfix are aware I don’t get a normal salary so my wage changes month to month depending how many shift I do (care work) shall I put down the highest amount I’ve received in the last 3 months? There obviously see this when I send all the proof? And document next to my husband salary Who no longer works applied for universal credits awaiting how much on payment and give them the dates they have given me. If this makes sense?
How you report your salary will depend on how it was calculated in the first place. Some firms will use an average with varying salaries --- is that what they did at the start ? Alternatively, they could have based your income on the lowest figure and will treat those months with extra shifts under the extra income rules. Have a look at see how they did it previously.
My opinions are merely that .. opinions based on experience. Always seek professional advice.
IVA Completed 23rd July 2013 .... C.C. 10th January 2014
They have pre filled some of it out for me the most important bills rent council tax gas electric etc.. but has a column next to it saying new then I can write on it for changes I’m assuming. The difference there see with the wage they first had off me and the highest now is £50 difference that’s it. But my council tax has gone up by £10 max, water bill up by a £1, phone bill down by £5 everything else has stayed the same which they pre filled. As they want 3 months proof so there see all of this with bank statements, wage slips and P60.
Have no issue being completely honest with numbers just thought do I put the £50 difference down for my wage?
And then when it says my husbands salary he doesn’t get one now he’s unemployed so in the notes bit next to it was going to put applied for universal credits due to loss of job date of payment and how much on this date
Added note;
We don’t know till the 23rd of this month the payment amount for universal credits and then payment is on the 28th it all says, the box is very tiny so shall I just put that all down?
Could I also write this all down in the email with the attached documents so I can explain more better, I told them over the phone which they understood but just wanted it in writing for them too.
Would it appropriate to send them to screenshot of the universal claim page when I log into the account on the government website which states what I will tell them or not?
For the explanations you are giving simply write '1', '2', '3', etc in the new column boxes then put the explanations at the bottom or on a new sheet, labelled '1', '2', or '3' accordingly, so they can match them up.
I always used to go on the basis that I gave them all the info and left it to them to decide what they actually wanted to see !
My opinions are merely that .. opinions based on experience. Always seek professional advice.
IVA Completed 23rd July 2013 .... C.C. 10th January 2014
So just tell them everything with the figures and dates and let them deal with it and decide on new payments and what happens from there. I’ll take photos of everything they require with explaination on the email and go from there. Never realise can be so confusing, wouldn’t be this hard if currently situation didn’t happen with my partner work wise as nothing would of changed.
Thank you
They will do their review and then come back to you with your new payment amount and when it is payable from or telling you it stays the same. If you disagree you can ask for a detailed explanation as to how they came by that figure and take it from there.
My opinions are merely that .. opinions based on experience. Always seek professional advice.
IVA Completed 23rd July 2013 .... C.C. 10th January 2014