This is the response I had when I asked what effects does a pay rise have on my iva. Can some explain this in laymen’s terms...
Thank you for your recent email.
If your pay increases by more than 10% a review will need to be completed as you’d be exceeding your current threshold every month. You’d be given a new threshold based on your new income.
If it’s less than a 10% increase you shouldn’t exceed your current threshold, but if you were to, you’d be expected to pay in 50% of the difference between your net pay and the threshold in the month you’ve exceeded it.
The annual review which is completed every year takes into account all changes to your income and expenditure, so your IVA payment can change each year depending upon your circumstances.
If your pay increases and it results in an increase in your available surplus for the IVA, you’ll be given a net surplus adjustment.
The net surplus adjustment is calculated when your payments are due to increase. Under the terms of your IVA, you’re allowed to keep 50% of the difference between the IVA payment last agreed by creditors and any increased IVA payment. The 50% you’re allowed to keep is called the net surplus adjustment and you can use this to cover any expenses not shown in your budget before your next review.
This amount would show as an item in your expenditure but it won’t be allocated to any costs so it is your own surplus to use however you wish.
I hope this has answered your query.