Hi my partner completed his IVA last September 2019 after a Full and final offer. The issue with his debt had been leaving his ex wife. He is just going through the financial divorce settlement and he is mortified to find a new hard search on his credit report from lender he knws nothing about from the time he was married and suspects his ex wife of fraud. Does he approach the lender for a SARS and to challenge thereby attracting attention, a nightmare, what should he do.
The hard search would indicate that an application had been made, but not that a loan was granted. Are there any traces of this lender on any of the three credit reference agencies files ?
My opinions are merely that .. opinions based on experience. Always seek professional advice.
IVA Completed 23rd July 2013 .... C.C. 10th January 2014
I've checked all searches on all 3 credit reports. My partner has no financial associations listed with his ex on any of them.
He is linked to the address as he lived there and that is where marriage debt originates. She is still living at the address.
On Transunion it shows Feb 2019 hard search in his name at that address re credit application. Is this a normal search or do we need to check. In her financial disclosure to the court she made her first payment to Specialist Lending Ltd who had done the hard search.
Still trying to get companies to update defaults re satisified IVA and now in third round of letters and complaints to ICO. Equifax is by far the worst offender.
Any reassurance? Is the hard search normal in circumstances or signs of fraud