is a scary time and alls new and unknown this is a brill site and you will get lots of support 2.
i agree about going with what feels right..we didnt have a clue what to do at the time and signed up without thinking it mostly been ok but guess would have been different if this site was live then ...good luck
I am so glad we didnt go with Churchwood, its right what they say about gut feelings. I have been so down lately not been posting, but slowly picking myself up again. We have submitted all our paperwork now and just waiting for the next stage. Have started cancelling DD's which is scaring the cr*p out of me. Family now fully aware though and thats one less thing to worry about! Thanks all for your support.x
Wake each day with a renewed hope, surely it got to get better..
Hi Amfrain
Cancelling DD's and setting up in new safe account was a real pain for me too especially waiting to see if income went into new account, however worth all the effort and worry when all paper work completed and new account working properly. I chose to go with Melanie and team too and once the above was completed it was a relief to sit back and let them take the strain!! Do keep posting as there is always someone around
This is one of their IPs and he's been binned off for taking clients money?!!!
No that's not true. Mr Ellingworth lost his license when he ran his own business, some time after he left Kingsgate. I guess the financial presures got too much for him.
It is great that re-registered has clarified this on behalf of these two firms. This is horrid publicity and all concerned will be happy to have the record set straight.
Broke, as far as I know flipping is where a company puts you into a DMP for a short while and then proposes an IVA.
In my humble opinion there may be instances where an initial short DMP followed by an IVA is actually the right solution. Assuming your provider can offer both services that is.
Suppose your circumstances are not settled enough at present to propose an IVA, but they will be in say 3-6 months time, a DMP shows your creditors you genuinely can't pay as apposwed to being someone who wont pay. It aslo demonstrates an ability to budget and make payments. In this type opf case a "flip" from DM to IVA would be justified and beneficial to all concerned. Just rule something out if itdoes not fit your mould.
i appreciate you remaining un named re_registered but what if you come across a client you can identify? will your comments be fair or unfair..and how would you deal with finding out on this site ,clients that are not been truthfull that un can identify
orange wrote:
i appreciate you remaining un named re_registered but what if you come across a client you can identify? will your comments be fair or unfair..and how would you deal with finding out on this site ,clients that are not been truthfull that un can identify
There should be no way to uniquely identify a client from the information that they post on the forum, and the admins do a very good job of removing this information if they feel it causes any security risk.
im very carefull what i say on here re our debt but lots of posters are very open and also vunerable ..i just didnt want posters to be worried about asking for advice
Liam is correct. Some people do use their real names and are usually asked if they wish to change this.
The vast majority of us use pseudonyms so we can't be recognised. Occasionally an expert may recognise a client by the posts but they would never identify them on here.
All posters should be reassured that their privacy is our primary concern.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
It is a frequent tactic in litigation to discredit witnesses and experts so that their opinions and advice is teated as having no value. I am Independent of my "employers" and their identity is therefore irrelevant. My views are impartial, objective, independent, fair and void of any suggestion of personal gain.
Where a judgement is made people should be prepared for that judgement to be challenged, and consider adjusting their views in light of a fresh perspective and the greater knowledge received from others.
Passive acceptance is the barrier to growth and enlightenment, challenge and re-asses.
It is only the view from where you sit that makes you fear defeat, life is full of many ailes ... so why don't you change your seat ?!