I am in an IVA with Pay Plan and have to deal with a case worker. When I call I speak to a different case worker each time and have been offered conflicting advice. I have read on various sites, including yours, that I should have a IP. Can I insist that I speak to this person?
Yes you can request to speak to your IP if you are not satisfied with what you are being told by the Case Workers. The IP (Insolvency Practitioner) is the person who is licensed to formally propose and supervise your IVA.
It is unforuntate you haven't got one dedicated person looking after you but this is how the larger companies usually operate. Either way, you have a right to speak wit your IP and to get clear facts about your case.
Keep us posted as to how you get on.
Regards, Tina Shortland, Debt Advisory Manager for Melanie Giles at Debt Advice TV.
If you’re looking for effective debt related information, articles and news, then go now to our on-line advice service at www.debtadvicetv.com
If you’re ready to ask us for specific advice or help, then get in touch at www.call-me.debtadvicetv.com so you can start to free yourself from the stress and anxiety of overwhelming debt.
I used to have the same problem with staff at Accuma, but once i emailed my IP directly he was absolutely fantastic and resolved my problems in less than 3.5 hours!!
I have to say that I've not had that problem with Payplan. I've had the same dedicated caseworker for the past two years now.
As the others have said though, you have the right to speak to your IP so use the link animaleyes has posted.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
Its good to hear your experience has not been the same Jan and that you have had a dedicated case worker - I think it can make a lot of difference.
Hope you get things sorted soon Tracey.
Regards, Tina Shortland, Debt Advisory Manager for Melanie Giles at Debt Advice TV.
If you’re looking for effective debt related information, articles and news, then go now to our on-line advice service at www.debtadvicetv.com
If you’re ready to ask us for specific advice or help, then get in touch at www.call-me.debtadvicetv.com so you can start to free yourself from the stress and anxiety of overwhelming debt.
i too sometimes get through to another case worker but i just ask for them and normally get them on the phone.
coming up to 2 years now and ive had at least 5 different case workers.
the one i have now i have not had cause to talk to so its not too much of a problem.
you would think barring people either moving on or being promoted etc that its in the interest of the main ip to keep a bit of continuity with case workers staying put and at least having some knowledge of your case
cc received 6th January 2014 now upwards and onwards
Ours is lovely, we've spoken to her on several occasions and she has always been able to help me out.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
I think barring an individuals career progression or ability to move on might be a bit unreasonable (as they have lives too!) but I know what you mean - it sounds like some continuity in some areas would be good but that is down to the company to ensure sufficient knowledge transfer takes place.
Regards, Tina Shortland, Debt Advisory Manager for Melanie Giles at Debt Advice TV.
If you’re looking for effective debt related information, articles and news, then go now to our on-line advice service at www.debtadvicetv.com
If you’re ready to ask us for specific advice or help, then get in touch at www.call-me.debtadvicetv.com so you can start to free yourself from the stress and anxiety of overwhelming debt.
tina i meant that leaving out promotion etc there shoudnt any further reasons to have so many changes in your case worker.
i do my job on a regular basis and would only change what i do if i was asked to do a different task.
i was not suggesting chaining them to there computer seats[:D]
cc received 6th January 2014 now upwards and onwards
Hi thanks for the tip, I tried the Practitioner website but couldn't fine my person and when I rang Payplan they said the IP won't speak to clients
Not sure where to go from here.
Has anyone had the experience of not being able to pay for a month. I was let off last months payment due to my car needing work on it. Just thought I was on the straight and narrow and now my cat needs an op on his eye an I am really worried about the cost
what do they mean wont speak to clients?
you are his livelyhood and paying him or her to run your iva for you.
hes not head of the mafia and wont sully his hands with us low life.
if your not sattified with the service your getting make sure you get to speak to them or put a complaint in[}:)]
cc received 6th January 2014 now upwards and onwards
Were with payplan and have a named officer. So far so good not had any problems at all. Are you registered with justabank? Your case officer details are on their and you can always email the person via that and then you have wriiten proof of what has been discussed and who by if the need may arise. Good luck hope you get sorted soon xx
What name do you have for your IP? He should be on the find an IP site. Payplan have several.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
tracey just for future reference you are allowed expenditure for animal insurance.hope your cat gets better.you have a right to talk to your ip, you have been given wrong info from your contact at payplan.
Last edited by MRBLUESKY on Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I have three lots of pet insurance and no problem with having it accepted.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk