My mother last year suffered a huge stroke and heartattack which lead to her spending 6 months in hospital 1 of which was on life suuport...
She has approx 13k built up on credit cards which she paid with the wages from her part time job (before the stroke)...
Now she is at home, getting on well but needing care upto 4 times a day for cooking, cleaming and personal hygiene.
I have been to see the CAB about her situation and because of her pension, pension credit and attendance allowance she has just over the required £50 p/m for a DRO, so they suggested either token payments or Bankruptcy...
My mother really does not need the stress of these bills over her head, if the stress does build up it could cause another heart attack and possibly worse.
What do I do for best?
She said she is going to be ok with whatever route, I just want to know what to do for best, she can not work again, she is 65 and lost the use of her right side.
One other thing to note: when she was in hospital I was sorting whatever bills I could etc and when she got out she had back dated housing benefit paid to her to the tune of £1800 which she paid to me for my out of pocket expenses etcbut I have read that the Official Reciever would want that back off me ( which I dont have anymore as it was paid out in the first place ) - what do I do about that?
I did read that they wont touch any benefit money so with that payment just ebing a back dated benefit does it count?
Look at her expediture keenly to see if you can get it under the £50 limit. That should be not too difficult, as it would seem that a DRO would be the bets option for her.
I would say that the money she gave to you is probably too small for the Official Receiver to worry too much about.
melanie thank you, i have gone through her expenditure with a fine tooth combe and got it to £40 or so but the lady at the CAB said there are set guide lines and that £138 or so for "other expenses" is the limit meaning we were again £50 over...
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
Hi Neptunemoon, I've only just caught up with this. Nothing to add really apart from to send both your Mother and yourself my best wishes. I hope this is sorted very soon as neither of you need this stress x
IVA final payment left the bank on the 26th January 2013...looking forward to a debt free future.