PPI with Jarvis

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Post by chelseaby72 » Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:53 pm
Good afternoon
This is Kevin Williams. My IVA was started off with Aperture and then they moved all of their IVA accounts to a company called Jarvis Insolvency.
While I was with Aperture I had notification that several PPI cheques were being sent to me which were rightfully diverted to Aperture to be paid into my IVA account, Aperture would then send me a cheque for any leftovers and interest gained.
In June 2020, I was informed by letter that ppi commission would be paid to me in the form of 2 payments totalling over £19,000. Quite correctly, the letter stated that these payments would be forwarded to my IVA company as with any windfall payments. The IVA was then moved to Jarvis. As with Aperture, I expected some sort of notification that these payments had been received and were being dealt with but no form of communication happened. I gave it a while and phoned up and spoke to a gentleman who told me that these payments had actually been received and were being dealt with by their ppi department and to allow 3 months for them to do so. That has now been over 5 months and during this time I have sent 2 emails and attempted to contact them on numerous occasions but still not heard anything back. I understand that any interest on these payments would be forwarded back to me as that’s what happened in the past with the payments forwarded to Aperture. So......I have a couple of questions....Are these payments actually being dealt with, has any payment been made to my creditors, what interest is being paid back to me and what is the timescale on these payments ?.

On another note, while I was with Aperture there was a portal where customers could look at their accounts, see what payments had been made, what payments were left, what these payments were being used for and other useful info. There doesn’t seem to be this facility with this company and I’m a bit concerned about the level of communication as I’m used to having updated info regarding my


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Post by kallis3 » Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:02 pm
Unfortunately we cannot answer as to Jarvis policies. I don't think there is a timescale (I could be wrong though.) You need to keep pressuring them and tell them you will complain.

As to whether or not they are processing these, that is down to Jarvis to inform you.
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Post by Foggy » Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:20 pm
I am afraid that not all IPs are required to provide these client portals ( which you, the debtor, pay for in the long run in increased fees and disbursements.

Jarvis, I think, are possibly a little overwhelmed with taking on the new caseload combined with covid issues.

I would suggest looking yourself up on the insolvency register and getting your IPs name ( if it has updated yet) https://www.insolvencydirect.bis.gov.uk/eiir/and then complaining direct to him or her. You can then escalate the complaint to the regulatory body if needs be, using the government gateway. https://www.gov.uk/government/publicati ... actitioner
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IVA Completed 23rd July 2013 .... C.C. 10th January 2014


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Post by chelseaby72 » Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:17 pm
Thanks for the info.


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Post by chelseaby72 » Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:59 pm
Ok, let me rephrase another the question....are they correct in keeping the £19,700 ppi commission and not passing any of it back to me in the form of interest ?


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Post by Foggy » Wed Dec 09, 2020 8:15 pm
They are right to keep the PPI refund as long as the total paid in to the IVA, from all sources, does not exceed the full original debt plus fees and possible statutory interest. Any amounts over this are yours.

Regarding returning the interest element to you --- this is a very moveable feast. They are perfectly entitled to keep this within the IVA and are not, in any way, obliged to pay it to you, unless you formally agreed this with them. Aperture, along with a minority of other firms decided to offer to return the interest element to clients, provided they assigned PPI to Aperture ( this was the era of the 'spotty letters', before the more recent court ruling, where Grant Thorton / Aperture wrote to clients seeking a change in terms in envelopes decorated with purple spots). Basically it was a carrot in return for co-operation. However, they did not apply it across the board, nor continuously.

If you formally agreed, with Aperture, to the return to you of the interest, this should also be adhered to by Jarvis, forming, as it does, part of the contractual arrangement.
My opinions are merely that .. opinions based on experience. Always seek professional advice.
IVA Completed 23rd July 2013 .... C.C. 10th January 2014


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Post by chelseaby72 » Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:19 am
Again, thankyou for your help, I will check my Original contract with Aperture.
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